/ How to get rid of red ants in the apartment quickly and forever?

How to get rid of red ants in an apartment quickly and forever?

Many are faced with the question of howget rid of the red ants in the apartment. They do not bring harm to a man or an animal, but they can suffer from furniture in the house, food. In addition, the ants are the bearer of the infection. They are omnivorous insects, their attention is attracted to both sugar bowls and vases containing a sweet treat, as well as a trash can.

how to get rid of red ants in the apartment

Ants that you find in products oryou find in a cat's bowl - these are working individuals. Therefore, by manually destroying them, you will not achieve anything. They are just pawns in this complex system. Your main enemy is their queen. It creates "workers" who provide it with food and never leave their nest. This is the whole complexity of the struggle with the red ants. In order to understand that the destruction of domestic ants - a fairly complex process, try to find their nest. Most often it is in a small cavity, which significantly complicates the search. Finding a place where all the ants go with the products they procured, it's too early to rejoice. This can only be the entrance to a long corridor leading to the nest. It should be prepared for the fact that you can meet insects in a variety of places. Even in the outlet or under the baseboard. Chemistry against the red ants in the apartment is the most convenient way to deal with them. But only on the condition that there are no animals or small children in the room. Otherwise, you should use other, safer means.

chemistry against the red ants in the apartment

There are many people's councils thattalk about how to get rid of the red ants in the apartment. First you should know that these insects do not tolerate the sharp smell of parsley, chamomile tea, onion, mint, sunflower oil, etc. Juice these plants enough to lubricate the "paths" of ants, and they will leave. You can also tailor them a sweet trap. For this, pour the sweet water into the saucers and leave them in those places where insects were most often met. Ants smell sweetness and drown in this trap.

destruction of domestic ants

However, we did not discuss with you the question of howget rid of the red ants in the apartment if their nest is in a hard-to-reach place. To do this, use the so-called "bait." The essence of this method is that the poison does not act immediately on the ant. He manages to bring the poisoned bait into the nest, destroying the whole anthill. Such "treats" can be prepared independently. To do this, you need to mix boric acid, water and something sweet: honey, sugar or vanilla, since these are favorite treats of ants. Cook the bait in clean dishes, as these insects are very sensitive to smell and can bypass your saucers side. The ready-mixed mixture is spread over the bowls and placed in the supposed places of the appearance of the ants.

In this article, we told you how to get rid offrom the red ants in the apartment. Taking advantage of these tips, you will understand that, despite the complexity of the process, it is quite possible to get rid of these insects. It is only necessary to apply the described methods in practice, and the ants will leave your home for a long time.

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