/ How to get rid of ants in an apartment?

How to get rid of ants in an apartment?

Ants, having climbed into a human dwelling, candeliver a lot of trouble and trouble. Coping with them is not as easy as it might seem at first glance, but it is still possible. People's experience suggests several effective tips.

Ants are public insects

Ants are a family of insects,they are, surprisingly, social insects, forming castes of males, females and working individuals. Ants live in nests by families. They arrange their nests in the soil, under rocks, in wood, on hills. There are species that live in foreign nests, "slave-owners" ants, which contain in their nests ants of other species, the so-called slaves. Some species have adapted to living in houses, people's apartments. There are species that are considered valuable for the ability to regulate the number of pest insects, there are others that are considered pests.

Bernard Verbert, a French writer who described with admiration the life of ants, notes them as the intellectual, most industrious creatures in the world with the ability to obey certain rules.

The ants settled in the house

However, with all this people feel greatdiscomfort, being under the same roof with these lovely insects, and here the fight with the ants in the apartment is simply inevitable, because the ants creep into food, they are omnivores, they can be found anywhere. They can bite if they recognize an aggressor in a person. Of course, the bite of one small ant looks innocuous, but the ants do not live alone. Emerged several ants in the house confirm that many thousands of ant attack can begin. In order not to introduce insects in residential areas, it is recommended, first of all, to get rid of dampness in the house. People have long known that ants prefer places with high humidity, where they live well and multiply. It is necessary to find ways of movement of insects and to treat with scaring means. How to get rid of ants at home is a serious matter and requires a purposeful conduct of a number of specific activities.

Methods of struggle

People are lost, they are looking for advice on how to get rid ofants in the apartment. Possible ways to deal with them are carefully sealed cracks in the apartment, tracked their roads and nests. This option will be effective only with good interaction with neighbors in the apartment.

Answering the question how to get rid of ants insome experts advise using a meat bait. Prepare it is quite simple. Take 2 tablespoons of minced meat and half a teaspoon of borax ground. Everything is mixed and decomposed into the places of the cluster of ants.

For some people there is no problem, likeget rid of the ants in the apartment. They just get it. It is noticed that scare off ants can smell the leaves of elderberry or sunflower oil, the smell of wormwood or wild mint. They do not like the smell of spoiled lemons, which means that the spoiled fruit in the closet, chosen by uninvited neighbors, will force them to evacuate. Malignant insects can be prevented from eating food by blurring the outer edges of bags and utensils with jam, honey, sugar with sunflower oil. Carnation, parsley and tomato leaves can also be used as a deterrent.

Known exotic way how to get rid ofants in the apartment. You need to run into the apartment, where home ants, ants from the street, forest. And they have to take them home to the woods, like real free revelers. The method has already been seriously tested. The result is 100% disappearance of the ants from the apartment.

There are chemical products for salebreeding of ants. Buy better those drugs that are designed to combat bugs. But it is better to fight in an environmentally friendly way, because chemicals are harmful to the person.

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