/ / Original decoration of terraces, balconies, flower beds - nasturtium curling

Original decoration of terraces, balconies, flower beds - nasturtium curling

Nasturtium numbers more than fiftyvarieties of annual and perennial plants. Its homeland is South America. Nasturtium cultured is obtained by crossing two types: shielded and large. This species is not cultivated, the perennial plant is grown as one-year-old nasturtium curly (sticks) reaches the length of the stems to three meters and has the form of a dwarf shrub in height from 25 to 35 cm.

The stems of the nasturtium are juicy, bare, stronglybranched, with thyroid leaves on long petioles. Irregularly shaped flowers, one located in the axils of the leaves, large, fragrant, up to five centimeters in diameter. Double perianth with a cup consisting of five sepals, one of which is with a spur. Corolla of five petals - with three lower ones, differing in shape from the two upper ones. Corolla can have a coloration - purple, dark cherry, red, orange, yellow, sometimes - salmon or cream. In addition, flowers are found terry and simple. Flowering occurs in June and continues until frost begins. In July (the third decade), seeds, having the form of a tri-nuclear grains, are ripening.

Thanks to the abundant luxuriance of the leaves andornamentation of orange-yellow flowers, nasturtium curling regains its former popularity with florists, is grown as an annual plant. Nasturtium in horticulture is used in vertical gardening, it is distinguished by rather long stems (up to 3 m). To decorate balconies, curbs, flowerbeds, terraces, nasturtium is used, reaching a height of 25 to 40 cm. The flowers of this variety are large, up to five centimeters in diameter, emitting fragrance, the color of simple or double flowers varies in the range of: yellow - orange - dark cherry tone. The nasturtium begins to bloom from the end of June and ends with the onset of the first frosts (late October).

Nasturtium short-haired Peach Melba is brightpronounced contrast of dark foliage and bright colors. It develops up to a bush of a spherical shape, reaching a height of 25 cm. The leaves are dark green, with a characteristic bluish tinge for nasturtium. Flowers of large size are located on top of the leaves, have cream-yellow in the center with red spots, color. A plentiful bloom lasts from July to October. Widely used for balcony boxes, cottages, curbs, hiding slopes in alpine slides.

Nasturtium curly is used in gardeningground and suspended containers, balconies, reaches a two-meter length. The "Glym" series is characterized by semi-double or double flowers of different color or monochrome color, up to 120 cm in length. Golden-yellow flowers - Golden Glime, red-brown - Mahogany Glim, yellow - Moon Glym, salmon - Salmon Glym ", Scarlet -" Scarlet Glim "- all this nasturtium is curly.

Nasturtium again becomes more popular andfavorite florists of different countries, coming out of oblivion, she wins the championship among the most popular plants and by right - this plant looks very beautiful, both in compositions and on its own. Growing nasturtium is a pleasure.

In addition to its high decorative properties, thisthe plant is a kind of sanitar for the land, as it relieves it of fungal diseases, after sowing nasturtiums in its place the next year will successfully grow sweet peas and asters.

Flowers and buds of nasturtium are used in cooking,decorated with its help dishes, get incredible sophistication and even some exotic. In addition, it is used as seasoning and spice, which is to some extent due to the high content of ascorbic acid in its leaves and stems, and the green unripened seeds successfully replace capers when marinating patissons, zucchini, tomatoes and cucumbers.

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