Parquet treatment, basic rules
Every host wants to have everything init's perfect. The very first thing that catches your eye when you go into the dwelling is the floor. For many years, parquet has been the most profitable and beautiful coating. Often people do not know how to properly care for it, so it starts to deteriorate and quickly breaks down.
Parquet floor, like any other product fromwood, has the properties of shrinkage and swelling. These moments are due to the high or low humidity of the room. Of course, many external factors can influence the wood, but special attention should be given to the temperature changes. On the one hand, it's pretty unpleasant to see that your favorite floor has turned into boards with slots, but on the other - this is a clear proof of its naturalness. However, in places where the boards are separated, mud gets clogged, so cleaning is difficult.
Let's try to figure out how to care for the parquet,so that the cracks do not appear, and he looked constantly like a new one. In this situation, maintenance of humidity of one level from 45 to 60% will help. If the room is fairly low humidity, you can buy special humidifiers that will facilitate the care of the parquet. You can also simply place any containers with water and leave them open.
If the humidity, on the contrary, is increased, thenfrequent airing and warming up of the room is necessary. In the case where care for the parquet is not correct, the bars begin to swell, which leads to extrusion of varnish and putty between the boards.
It is worth remembering that the parquet does not like strongchanges in temperature, it is necessary to maintain the room from 14 to 24 degrees. Another nuance is that the floor surface can not be covered with various waterproof materials for more than 5 days. Otherwise, the whole beauty of the parquet boards can go away and deform.
Often on the surface of the floor there are variousdefects, such as scratches. If this happens, then you can update the parquet. In most cases, such a floor is varnished, which allows moisture not to penetrate inside.
The best cleaning option is a vacuum cleaner, alsovarious means for parquet care are applied. Usually, they are added to the water, and then, with the help of a rag soaked in them, the floor is wiped. However, it is worth remembering that you can not wash the parquet with a heavily soaked cloth.
To prevent the parquet floor from deteriorating,it is necessary to initially cover it with at least seven layers of varnish. This will not give him the effect of irritating factors, which adversely affect the coating, and also ensures the further proper maintenance of the parquet. However, exceeding the number of these layers will not affect positively, only an increase in the review of various defects.