/ / Coffee tree - care at home. Fundamental rules

Coffee tree - care at home. Fundamental rules

Do you want to grow real coffee at home? It would seem that the task is not easy, such a plant seems to be a real exotic. Besides, it's not for nothing that his name is "coffee tree"? Care at home even for a small bush is quite complicated and takes time. What can we say about the tree, especially if the height of the ceilings leaves much to be desired!

coffee tree home care

In fact, there is nothing very difficult in that,to grow a coffee tree at home. The first problem is to buy or get grain or even a sprout. Of course, fried grains do not rise, so it's better to look for friends who already have this plant, or to try to find raw grains. In order to increase the likelihood that the sprout will break through the hard shell of the grain, you can damage it - gently cut or sawed. Before the emergence of sprouts, you need to put the pot in a fairly warm and sunny place.

It is much easier to start growing coffee from a handle. First, there is no need for fuss with germination, and secondly, this method will quickly give an adult plant that can begin to bear fruit almost immediately. In addition, the correctly selected variety is unlikely to grow above a meter in height, but it is possible to beautifully form its crown, pinching side shoots. Then in a few years you can get a very beautiful coffee tree.

coffee tree how to grow

Home care afterthe acquisition is not too complicated. It should be remembered that coffee needs acidic soil, in other conditions, the growth and development of plants can occur much more slowly or not at all. Transplant the tree in the first 3-4 years, you need every spring, and later - every 2-3 years. The choice of pot is also important - the capacity should be wide enough and deep, but still proportionate. Like most plants, coffee needs sufficient light, but does not withstand direct sunlight. It is best to place a pot near the western or south-western windows. However, do not overdo it, especially for very young plants. Of course, you can settle coffee and the north window sill, but then growth may slow down.

coffee house

Watering should be quite abundant - about 2-3once a week, and the earthen can not dry completely. It is important to monitor and ensure that the water in the pot does not stagnate. But this is not all that the coffee tree needs. Care at home after him includes still providing the necessary humidity. You can spray the air, but the easiest way to put the pot in a deep pan with wet claydite - it helps to increase the humidity of the air around a particular plant, especially if it is very demanding for this indicator. This includes the coffee tree. How to grow it and make it bear fruit? Do something specifically for this purpose. It is enough to observe the right care, by 3-4 years the plant may well start fruiting. And then you can not only regularly collect from it the fruits and cook from them an invigorating drink, but also plant, for example, another coffee tree.

Home care for a plant thatgoing to bear fruit, a little different. After the emergence of buds, you need to move the pot to a very bright place. Flowers last for about a day, but the whole process can drag on for several months. After tying fruit, you must move the plant to its original location. Berries mature for a long time - about a year. So, coffee can be grown at home, often from adult plants, from 0.5 to 1 kilogram of fruit per year.

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