/ / Lush host: growing and care

Lush host: growing and care

Ornamental plant related to herbaceousperennials, are bred for the sake of beautiful bright foliage. To make you happy with a lush and healthy host, cultivation and care should be systematic. Although they are not particularly complex. The leaves of this plant form a lush, large bush that pleases the eye almost the entire vegetative period. Numerous radical shoots form a pretty dense rosette and can have almost any color.

host cultivation and care
Different types of hosts, growing and caring forwhich even a novice will be able to do, can be made into real artistic compositions. A great idea is the combination of several shades of this plant in one area. Good get along with each other green, mottled and bluish varieties.

The shape of the leaves can also be different. The most decorative is considered oval-pointed, characteristic for multicolor species.

The period of flowering hosts falls in July-August,depends on the time of disembarkation and variety. The plant throws a brush completely covered with white, lilac or purple buds. The ornamental nature of the grassy shrub reaches its apogee when the flower stalk, having a height of up to 1 m, unfolds the petals.

Host: Care and Reproduction

This unpretentious plant feels greatin the shade, that's why it is ideal for bargains near the walls of the house or fences. A young host, growing and caring for which is reduced to timely watering, loves slightly acidic fertile soil.

If the choice of the florist has fallen on varieties with motley colors, the place should be chosen with normal lighting, otherwise the leaves will darken, and the borders between the strips will practically disappear.

hosts cultivation and care

That the bush has grown as much as possible (fluffy),use regular organic and mineral top dressing. From frequent transplants, hosts should refrain, as the root system quickly gets used to one place, and leaves - to a certain light.

There are three main ways of reproductionThis plant: the usual division of the bush, growing from seeds or cuttings. All methods should be used in the spring, before the deployment of young leaves. Perfect time is considered the end of April and the first half of May, with at least seven-year host selected.

Cultivation and care of a young plant completelyrepeats the rules of care for an adult bush. One healthy representative of this species can give 15-20 viable parts that can be planted either singly or in curbs, on lawns or near small ponds. Florists often use large bright leaves to create interesting floral arrangements and bouquets. For such experiments, almost any host is suitable.

host care and breeding

Cultivation and care of rare species can bea bit more complicated. For example, the lanceolate variety has late flowering dates - from mid-August to the first half of September. Violet buds and richly green leaves will be good under the condition of moderate shade, good fertilizing and regular watering. Host bloated, on the contrary, does not require any maintenance and is ideal for lovers of self-seeding early varieties.

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