/ / Water filter "Barrier Expert Standard": description, installation instructions, reviews

Water filter "Barrier Expert Standard": description, installation instructions, reviews

Tap water saturated with heavy metalsand chlorine, is unsuitable for use in its pure form. It is not only not useful for the body, but it can also carry a serious health hazard. Therefore, water from the tap must be cleaned. With this task, the filter for water purification from the "Expert Standard Barrier" is ideally suited. About how he cleans the water, how to install it and how to replace the cartridges, we will tell in our article.

Description of the filter

Consider what a filter from the Standard series is.

Filter "Expert Standard Barrier" is a householdwater purifier, which is designed to purify water from the water pipe from mechanical impurities, chlorine, heavy metals and other contaminants. Thanks to the multi-stage system, the same high cleaning efficiency is provided throughout the useful life of the replaceable cartridges.

barrier expert standard

The water cleaner "Barrier Expert Standard" consists of three interchangeable modules in the kit:

  1. Mechanics - the cartridge is pre-cleaning of mechanical impurities, removes rust, sand and other particles.
  2. Ion exchange - a cartridge for cleaning water from chlorine and heavy impurities, removes copper and lead.
  3. PostCarbon is a cartridge for the final purification of water from a water pipe. Cleans running water from active chlorine and organic compounds.

The filter is installed directly on the sink. The complete set includes all the necessary elements necessary for the self-installation of the water purifier, including the tap. The filter is designed to work for 24 hours a day.

Installation Instructions

Water purifier "Expert Standard" is very easyis installed independently. Meanwhile, before starting work, it is necessary to study the installation instructions. Also, close the cold water supply valve, but open the tap on the mixer to relieve pressure in the pipe. Sequencing:

barrier expert standard

  1. Determine the location for the installation of the crane so thatthey were comfortable to use and that there was a place under the sink for its connection. First you need to drill a hole (diameter 12 mm), install the valve and tighten it with a nut.
  2. Next, the adapter is installed in this way,as shown in the figure in the instruction: turn the ball valve on the water pipe; detach the cold water supply from the water pipe to the kitchen faucet; Screw the thread to the ball valve.
  3. A place is chosen for hangingfilter. It should be noted that it is connected to a ball valve (water supply) and a tap of clean water. If necessary, you can use the supplied plastic tubes.
  4. Next, all the elements of the filter are interconnected in full accordance with the images in the instruction.
  5. The last place is set for removablecartridges. To do this, each filter element is inserted into the filter head and rotated 90 degrees clockwise until a triangular pointer on the cartridge and holder is clicked and aligned.

The beginning of the filter "Barrier Expert Standard"

Before you start the filter, you must firstmake sure that the ball valve is closed. Then the clean water tap and the cold water tap are opened. Only after these actions can you open the ball valve. A few more minutes are necessary in order for the filter to fill with water, and only after that clean water will flow from the tap.

filter barrier expert standard

Filter "Expert Standard Barrier" assumessetting the optimum level of water flow. This can be done by adjusting the ball valve. The first 10 liters of pure water must be drained, and only after that the water purifier can be used for its intended purpose.

Replacement filter cartridges

The water purifier consists of cartridges, inwhich use the most effective materials. But the resource of cartridges is limited to 10 thousand liters of water, and therefore after some time they can no longer cope with the task of effective water purification. To prevent this from happening, the filter elements must be changed in a timely manner.

filter cartridge barrier expert standard

For each series of filters, thea remanufactured set of cartridges. For example, for filter "Expert Standard Barrier", filter elements such as "Mechanics", "Ion exchange", "PostCarbon" are used. Use these other replacement cartridges instead of these, is strictly prohibited, as this will not provide the necessary water treatment.

Feedback on the work of the water purifier

The water purification filter of the presented series collected from the buyers exceptionally positive reviews. They note that the water purifier:

  • it cleans water from the water supply system;
  • Each filter cartridge "Expert Standard Barrier" is very easy to install independently;
  • This is the most convenient water purification system for daily use;
  • practical, economical, convenient.

With optimal water consumption, a family of four people will have a set of cartridges for 1 year.

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