/ / How to choose a water filter: recommendations

How to choose a water filter: recommendations

Clean water is the source of health for everyonerights. However, the water pipe can not boast of the quality of the liquid that is in it. That is why many urban residents have a question about how to choose a water filter? Depending on its quality, it is possible to consider such variants: a nozzle for a crane, a filter pitcher and a multistage system.

How to choose a water filter
Talking about how to choose a filter for water, it is worthnote that the low cost of filter-jugs often makes them the most attractive option. However, they are effective only if the quality of tap water is not quite bad. What is this device capable of? It reduces the chlorine content in water, reduces the number of iron and copper ions, makes it less rigid, filters mechanical impurities.

What is the water filter?
Talking about how to choose a filter for water, it is worthmention that the products of different manufacturers have certain differences (and quite significant in the degree of purification from certain impurities). Large manufacturers are working on the release of models that specialize in solving certain problems. Separately it is necessary to say about "nameless" jug-type filters. Very often it turns out that such devices perform only mechanical filtration. That is why it is worth buying only the famous brands, since the attempt to save often leads to a complete lack of results.

The best water filter
The best filter for this type of water hasundeniable advantages: low cost, easy to use, no installation problems. However, it is worth remembering about certain drawbacks: a small resource cartridge, the inability to regenerate the filter element, a low degree of purification.

If we talk about how to choose a filter forwater, it is worth considering another option, such as a nozzle on the tap. As for the quality of impurities removal and cleaning, these devices are similar to jars. They are able to rid of mechanical impurities and chlorine. This device may have a certain specialization. The filter nozzle based on ion-exchange resins is able to remove hardness salts, aluminum, iron, heavy metals. A device with active carbon can remove bacteria, phenol, organic compounds, and microorganisms.

If we talk about what kind of filter for waterchoose between a jug and a nozzle, it's up to you, weighing all the pros and cons. The second option has the following advantages: ease of use, compactness, ease of installation, good degree of purification. However, such a filter is not able to get rid of all problems, and its resource is quite small, so the constant purchase of consumables is often costly.

In general, at a low cost of these typesfilters, at the price of a liter of clean water will be much higher than when using multi-component cleaning systems. At the same time, water quality will be unequivocally lower. The most effective solution to all problems is a multi-stage water purification system.

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