/ / Application of iodine in the garden: plant nutrition, pest and disease control

Application of iodine in the garden: plant nutrition, pest and disease control

The handicrafts that are in every house,can come to the aid in the fight against pests and diseases of plants in the garden. They can be simple medication. Antiseptic drugs are used not only to treat people, but also come to the rescue of bacterial diseases of plants and the appearance of pests. One such means is a simple alcohol solution of iodine of 5%. Due to its disinfecting properties, it is possible to simplify the maintenance of indoor plants, crops in the garden or vegetable garden.

Application of iodine in the garden

Iodine is suitable for processing terrain with peat andasphyxiated soil. For plants, iodine is required in small doses for diseases such as gray mold and powdery mildew, and for prevention. Alcohol solution is also useful after winter, to stimulate plant growth. It is also used for growing seedlings. The use of iodine in the vegetable garden enhances the taste of vegetables and increases the yield.

The treatment with iodine will be useful for tomatoes,pepper, cucumbers, strawberries and strawberries. The most effective is alcohol solution for berry, vegetable and fruit crops. Effectively and the use of iodine against pests. The drug is readily available and does not require special preforms before irrigation.

Iodine for plants

Processing strawberries and strawberries

For the growth of strawberries and strawberries, getting rid ofgray rot and weevil is recommended to clean the plants from old and rotting leaves. The use of iodine in the vegetable garden can facilitate the care of plants and save the harvest. For the treatment of strawberries, a solution of five liters of water and six drops of iodine should be prepared, mix the solution well and spray the plant three times with an interval of ten days. This treatment of strawberries and strawberries should be carried out before flowering, with the appearance of the first sunny days.

Iodine for plants

Fight against bluetongue with iodine

Traditional means when used againstpests is iodine. It can help in the fight and for the prevention of late blight. When the plants themselves become infected with phytophthora, the affected areas are treated. If the solution is prepared for prevention, they should treat the soil. Two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide, 70-80 drops of iodine and two tablespoons of whey are taken for 20 liters of water. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed.

Cabbage also loves iodine. It stimulates its growth, protects against pests and late blight. Three liters of water requires twelve drops of alcohol solution of iodine. Irrigate the soil around the cabbage after the formation of heads, without affecting the very part of the plant.

iodine application against pests

Alcohol solution of iodine is famous for itsmiraculous properties, thanks to which the plants appear immunity, yield and flowering increase. So, thanks to the application of iodine in the garden, many parasites and plant diseases are removed. Using four liters of hot water, one kilogram of ash, five ml of boric alcohol and five ml of iodine, you can overcome late blight.

Treatment of indoor plants

Despite the fact that for the treatment of indoorplants and preventive measures, a lot of drugs are made, and the means at hand will also come to the rescue. Iodine is used in some store products and is considered effective for indoor plants in itself.

For the most part, owners of domestic plantsare faced with problems of lack of nutrients for plants and inhibited growth. For actively growing and healthy colors, a solution of iodine is used. Five drops of water are taken for five liters. Only the earth mixture should be fertilized, without affecting the plant itself and its root system. To prevent house plants is recommended throughout the summer season, but observe the time interval of top dressing and the volume of the solution. So one large flower requires 70 ml of solution, for a small approximately 30 ml.

Three months after the transferhouseplant, like violets, there comes a turning point in the development of the flower. At this stage, the indoor beauty feels a deficiency of nutrients, which can adversely affect its development or even lead to death. For a favorable outcome, the flower needs to be fertilized and fed. Iodine can come to the rescue. For two liters of water is taken just a drop. Care should be taken with this solution, since violets are considered sensitive plants.

iodine application in the garden

Combating mildew

Powdery mildew is a kind of marsupial mushrooms. Rosa is of two kinds - false and real. Such a parasite can infect any plant, from vegetables and fruits to simple herbs. Propagates by spores, transported through the air with the help of insects or wind. Also it can be in water or ground. After the spore enters the plant, it begins to parasitize on it.

When diseases of plants with powdery mildew leavesor the fruits themselves are covered with a white coating, which in the future will become like dew drops. It is necessary to fight with such a disease at once, as mycelium mushrooms with high speed parasitize on the plant and bring the disease in the future will be much more difficult. It is best in the beginning of the spring to do prophylaxis against this disease. It is at this time of year there is a surge in distribution. Iodine helps in the fight against powdery mildew.

iodine against powdery mildew

Proceeding from the fact that iodine is safea means for plants, to do prevention and treatment in the early stages, they need it. For prevention of early spring, all plants are sprayed with a solution of iodine and one ml of one liter of water. When the first signs of the disease have already appeared, but five days after parasitism has not yet passed, it is necessary to apply the iodine against powdery mildew. It is recommended to process the whole plant with a solution of 500 ml of water and one ml of an alcohol-iodine (5%).

Application of iodine for the fertilization of tomatoes

iodine application against pests

Topical application of tomatoes with iodine is necessary for thinstems, leafless leaves and slow plant growth. Use a solution with iodine, preferably together with the watering of tomatoes. Do this two weeks after transplanting the seedlings, in the morning. It is necessary to fertilize only the soil, without affecting the leaves and stalk of tomatoes.

One glass of milk is mixed with a liter of water and six drops of iodine. Top-dressing of tomatoes with iodine should be carried out through the nebulizer, affecting only the root system.

Treatment with alcoholic solution will be useful forall plants without exception. Prevention of iodine can protect plants from diseases and parasites. This will improve the quality of the harvest and fertilize the root system. Iodine for plants is an indispensable assistant to gardeners and florists.

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