/ / Garden pests. General tips for dealing with them

Garden pests. General tips for dealing with them

Ah, summer ... The time of holidays, resorts, carefree life, as well as the maturation of the long-awaited harvest on the site, which is expected not only by any gardener, but also by garden pests! But what is to be done? What are the ways to deal with these insects-cockroaches? This we will discuss in our article.

Fighting pests

garden pests

Of course, the most effective and provenMeans in the fight against garden parasites are chemical preparations. But such funds have a significant disadvantage. The fact is that not only garden pests are dying from them (photos 1, 2, 3), but also useful insects - pollinators of plants (bumble bees, bees, bugs, flower flies), birds. In addition, insecticides have a negative impact on both humans and the plant itself!

That is why among gardeners constantsearch for effective and, most importantly, harmless to humans and plants methods of combating pests of vegetables, fruits and berries. To date, one of the most effective and safe means, from which perish pests are killed, are plant poisons. Their advantage over other means is that they quickly evaporate or decompose into elements. This they are safe for people, warm-blooded animals and the plants themselves. Prepare these funds will have no difficulty, if at hand is such plants and crops as fennel, potatoes, garlic, hot pepper, onion, mustard, beans, shag, tobacco, pine needles, burdock, wild cherry.

pest control
If you are still an adherent of chemistry, thenyou have a direct road to the store for insecticides (eg, carbofos, Agravertin, Aktara, Fitover, and others). For example, if you are bothered by such garden pests as slugs, you can spray the soil with a solution of methylaldehyde, and also pollinate it with ashes and lime. With sucking pests such as aphids, bedbugs, scabbards and badges, it is necessary to fight by processing the flower cultures on which they settle, with a solution of carbofos (0.2%) with the combined use of insecticides "Aktar" and "Agravertin."

No less common garden pests -Colorado beetle and caterpillars. They suffer from our potatoes and tomatoes. That's how to deal with them? Is it possible to spray the potato tops or tomato leaves with all kinds of nasty things? Think, friends! Take advantage of the safe folk method - hot pepper! All you need to do is plant this plant next to the culture that you want to protect from invading parasites. If tomatoes and potatoes respond well to hot peppers, then dill and onions will be more suitable for cucumbers. Just do not plant peppers next to them, otherwise the taste of cucumbers will be bitter. By the way, potatoes are a very capricious culture, so if pepper still does not give results, then it's time to use a poisonous insecticide called "Previkur".

garden pests photo

However, in pursuit of efficiency, do not forget,that you destroy such useful creatures as frogs, hedgehogs, shrews, toads and bats that could be a complete alternative to your chemistry! For example, bats can kill up to 30 parasitic beetles in one evening, and ladybugs and dragonflies ruthlessly eat aphids.

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