/ / Who is afraid of an orchid? Pests of a plant

Who is afraid of an orchid? Pests of a plant

Indoor orchid flowers are very whimsical andwhimsical in care. But even in the case when they have created optimal conditions for growth, plants are exposed to pests and various diseases. This is usually due to excessive watering or insufficient humidity in the room.

orchid pests
Orchid, the pests of which arered spider mites, is damaged by them with the coloring of the leaves in a pale yellow color. Insects settle on both their sides, in sinuses, and also on shoots. Places of their accumulation are covered at the initial stage of damage by pale dots. This is due to the sucking of vegetable juice by the mites. With the passage of time, the spots increase with the formation of large whitish zones. Leaves of orchids fall before time. The plant is weakened and does not bloom. As measures to combat mites, it is recommended to wash the stems and orchid leaves with a soap solution. If the damage is severe enough, insecticides should be used. Of these drugs you can recommend "Fufan", "Deris", "Fitoverm" and "Actellik."

Who else leads to the death of a houseplant witha beautiful name for an orchid? Pests of the flower are small white midges-whiteflies. These insects can be detected with the naked eye. Greenish larvae settle on the underside of leaves. Pests suck out the juice from the orchid, leaving behind a sugary discharge. Affected whitefly larva leaves wither and twist. As a means of eliminating pests, spraying with insecticides is recommended. You can use the drugs "Aktara", "Confidor", "Fufan" and others.

Who else is afraid of an orchid? Pests of the plant are red flat mites. It is very difficult to detect them. An indication that the plant is already affected by this pest is yellowish or white spots. At the same time, the skin on the leaves itself is dead and cracked, and the flowers are twisted, changing their shape. In such a situation, insecticides should be used. They can be preparations "Fufan", "Actellik" and "Fitoverm".

orchid disease and pests

Who else suffers from a delicate orchid? Pests of the plaque plant are found when brown plaques appear on the surface of the stems and leaves. This is due to the fact that insects suck out the juice from the orchid. There are scabbards from the excessively dry air in the room where the indoor plant is located. Orchid leaves lose their color, wither and fall off. To eliminate the pest, wipe the plant with a soapy sponge. After this, it is recommended to spray it with the drug "Actellik", preparing a 0.15% solution.

pest of phalaenopsis orchids

Shields are also pests of phalaenopsis orchids,which are a less whimsical kind of these houseplants. Plants can also kill aphids. The colonies of these small insects damage not only the underside of the leaves and the tip of the shoots, but also the buds themselves. At the same time, the plant stops normal development. It is oppressed, and on the opened buds there are sticky discharge. When fighting these insects, the diseased shoots and leaves are removed. After that, the orchid should be sprayed with permethrin-containing products. The latter include drugs "Fitoverm", "Decis", "Inta-vir" and others.

Harmful orchids and various diseases harm. Its leaves can be affected by rust, anthracnose, fusariosis, brown or black rot. In this case, the death of an orchid is probable. The diseases and pests of this tender flower should be known to those who grow this amazing plant in order to preserve its beauty and uniqueness.

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