/ How to make a warm bed in the fall? Types and structure of a warm garden bed in the open ground

How to make a warm bed in the fall? Types and structure of a warm garden bed in the open ground

Every year there is a huge amountnew technologies and adaptations for summer residents, so vegetable growing and gardening are constantly being improved. More and more truckers for the cultivation of vegetable crops are building warm beds. People living in rural areas have already developed some standards for their construction and long-term operation. Undoubtedly, there are certain difficulties in this, but if you know some rules, even a beginner will be able to deal with everything quickly. On how to make a warm patch in autumn, we'll talk further.

A warm and ordinary garden: what are the differences?

how to make a warm patch in autumn
The main difference between a warm garden and an ordinarylies in the fact that in it the upper layer of the soil begins to warm up much earlier, so that in the beginning of spring it is already possible to obtain the first crop. It consists of several layers. The lowest layer acts as a biological fuel, which heats the upper layer of the soil, in which roots grow. Thanks to this arrangement, vegetables begin to grow much earlier.

What are the warm beds?

Before we talk about how to make a warm patch in the fall, let's figure out what kinds of them exist.

There are two varieties:

  • temporary;
  • constant.

In turn, permanent are divided into land, in-depth and fenced, the main difference is in the type of device.

The purpose of warm beds

Temporary beds are used for growing seedlings. You can do this both in open and closed ground. After the seedlings are transplanted, a warm patch can be used as usual.

Constant warm beds can be builtin several ways. In their characteristics, they are very similar to greenhouses, intended for long-term use. The average life of such a garden is 6-7 years. This kind of warm beds is common in those regions of our country, where spring begins late, and autumn, on the contrary, early. Such warm beds, made with their own hands, allow very quickly to grow vegetables and harvest.

Warm beds: the pros and cons

warm beds with own hands
Warm beds have both their pluses and minuses.

The main advantages are:

  1. This type of beds allows you to grow high quality vegetable crops without the use of mineral fertilizers.
  2. Dedicated beds are much easier to care for, andthe crops grown on them are less susceptible to various diseases and harmful insects, which makes it practically impossible to use chemicals.
  3. To construct warm beds with own hands it is possible fromhand tools and materials, for example, grapevines or shrubs. In the process of decay, they will enrich the soil necessary for the normal growth of vegetable crops by minerals.

Among the shortcomings can be identified that forthe construction of warm beds requires additional physical costs, as well as the need for more frequent and abundant watering. Especially it concerns those that are made with fences. Seeds in boxes should be watered at least twice a week, because the soil under the influence of sunlight dries much faster. In addition, in winter, mice and other pests, which penetrate the lower layers of the soil, very often settle in warm beds. Therefore, it is necessary to take timely measures to combat them.

How to build a warm garden?

Despite the fact that for the construction of a warmbeds will require more effort, nevertheless, it will be able to do even a beginner gardener. So how to make a warm bed in the fall? Let's figure it out.

Preparatory stage

a warm garden in autumn for spring
The best time to build a warm garden is autumn, but if you do not have time, then there is nothing terrible in this, because it can be done in the spring.

First of all it will be required:

  • Determine the number of beds you need;
  • select the plot of the garden on which they will be. Temporary beds can be built in any place, but for permanent it is recommended to take a well-lit place, protected from drafts.
  • stock up with building material from whicha fence will be made. It can be slate, old boards, bricks and so on. If you use boards, it is recommended that they be rubbed with a ruberoid to protect the tree from precipitation and pests.
  • to prepare biological fuel. For this, you can use wooden chocks, weeds, branches, vegetable tops and more.

If you have everything you need, you can talk about how to make a warm bed in the fall.

Construction of temporary warm beds

how to make high beds
As mentioned earlier, temporary warmBeds are used mainly for growing seedlings. They are very common in the southern regions of the country with a warm and mild climate. You can build them in any part of the garden.

If a warm garden is built in the autumn for spring,then it is necessary to remove 10 centimeters of the top layer of the soil. In the resulting trench, a 20-centimeter layer of rotted manure is filled, which is topped with foliage. For erection of a fencing it is possible to use branches or household waste which in due course can turn to a compost. Biological fuel is tamped a little and sprinkled with the removed soil, and a ten-centimeter layer of mulch is created from above. In this form, a warm patch is left for the winter.

It is possible to sow a garden bed with a sidetal. To activate biological fuel and start warming up the soil, the ground needs to be poured with hot water. To speed up the process, instead of water you can use a working solution of manure or chicken manure, then cover the bed with a film. Plant it will be possible after the soil warms up to at least ten degrees of heat. When the seeds germinate, the bed is covered with a film.

By building warm beds with your own hands in the spring,a different composition of biofuel should be used. For this purpose, rotted manure or compost is best suited. Biofuels are sprinkled with chernozem, which is compacted a little, after which the bed is watered with a hot solution of manure or chicken manure to start warming up the soil. If the soil temperature is too high, then the bed is poured cold water and sprinkled with a small amount of land.

How to build a constant warm bed?

Next, consider how to make high beds of a constant type.

soil in a warm bed

You can build them in three ways:

  1. Directly on the surface of the soil, erecting a special box. This method is best suited for those land areas on which the soil is unfit for vegetable growing.
  2. In the trench version. The service life of this bed can be up to ten years. By its principle, this bed has much in common with a greenhouse.
  3. Combined option. It is universal and perfectly suited for any region of the country, regardless of climatic conditions.

Let's take a closer look at each method.

High warm bed

Many beginner farmers are interested in the answer tothe question of how to make high beds. Everything is very simple. This kind of warm beds of a permanent type is located directly on the surface of the soil, from which, in fact, it received its name. The height of the bed can be from 50 to 80 centimeters.

If you plan to build several suchbeds, then between them should be left at least 90 centimeters, and the bed itself should have a width of about 60 cm. In this case, it will be very easy to take care of vegetable crops, and for the winter it will be possible not to dig up the soil.

The construction process begins with the marking of the length andwidth of the bed. A regular warm patch of permanent type should have a width of about one meter. In this case, it will be quite easy to take care of vegetable crops.

a warm bed in the open ground
The first step is to remove 10 centimeterstopsoil. If on your land plot clay soil or close to the surface there are groundwater, a drainage layer is created. For this, gravel and sand are excellent. This is necessary in order that the water does not stagnate.

Then from old boards or wooden beamsa box is being built. Its dimensions should correspond to the size of the bed. As for the height, it can be any, but not less than 70 centimeters. Since a constant bed will be used for a long period of time, the boards are recommended to be treated with special antiseptic agents to prevent their decay, and also to beat with film or roofing material. Instead of boards you can use a brick.

Above the drainage system are laid branches orroots of trees. The height of this layer should be approximately 30 centimeters. Then a 20-cm layer of biofuel is poured, which can use various household waste or old foliage. Biofuel is slightly trampled down and covered with a layer of earth. Next is a layer of compost or chicken manure. The last layer is chernozem. It should be at least 20 centimeters thick, so that the roots of the vegetable crops do not burn.

Soil in a warm bed is best prepared frommixture of chernozem, peat and humus. Also, wood ash and mineral fertilizers can be added to them. To activate the biological fuel and start warming the soil, the bed is watered with hot water.

Construction of a warm trench bed

This kind of a warm bed is most oftenIt occurs in regions with a cold climate, in which the soil warms up very long. For its construction, the first thing to do is dig a trench of the necessary dimensions and pour a layer of sand on its bottom. Then there is a layer of biofuel, which can be used as the same materials as in the case of a warm bed of high type. Then comes a layer of fallen leaves and turf. All layers are slightly trampled, then watered.

At this stage, a warm bed in the open groundalmost ready. It remains only to build a box with a height of at least 30 centimeters. The bottom of the box is covered with a layer of manure or humus, and on top is a 20-centimeter layer of chernozem mixed with compost.

Warm waterbed of combined type

the right warm bed
Built in autumn warm garden - for spring -the combined type is notable for its versatility and can be used in any regions of the country, but most gardeners use it on land where the groundwater is very close to the surface. The process of its creation begins with digging a trench, the depth of which should be less than in the case of a warm trench bed. Then a box is built, the height of which should be at least 50 centimeters. Further, all the same actions are carried out as in the construction of the trench patch, with a sequence of layers. Care and operation are also similar.

As it turned out, to make a warm patch in autumntheir own hands is not so difficult. The most important thing is to follow certain instructions and observe safety procedures. Do not be afraid to experiment. Equip your garden as comfortably as possible. And then a good harvest is provided to you.

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