/ / Kitchen apron made of PVC panels - features of the material. We choose plastic panels for a kitchen apron

Kitchen apron made of PVC panels - features of the material. We choose plastic panels for a kitchen apron

In the kitchen it is very important to choose the right onefinishing material for the work area. It is this part of the wall that is located between the countertop and the hanging closets, most often liable to contamination. It constantly during cooking food drops, water, soot, soot, so it is very often mounted kitchen apron from PVC panels. This material meets all requirements, has an aesthetic appearance and a relatively low cost. However, in order to make an unambiguously correct choice, it is necessary to get acquainted in detail with the advantages and disadvantages, as well as the technical characteristics of the plastic.

kitchen apron from pvc panels

Criteria for selecting the material for the kitchen apron

Before you start repair, before eachthe question becomes acute: "What materials are preferred for finishing space?" Here, one appearance will not be enough. It is necessary to calculate all the financial costs that may be required to purchase materials. And also the whole range of works: some of them can be done independently, and for some hire professionals. However, these are not all the criteria that influence the choice of the facing. Kitchen - a specific space, so it is very important for him to take into account and such properties as unpretentiousness, durability, safety, practicality and reliability. And the most appropriate solution will be PVC panels, which fully meet these requirements.

We choose plastic panels for a kitchen apron

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is a modern material,used for the manufacture of cladding panels. Thanks to high technologies, it became possible to give them a different coloring, to apply original ornaments and drawings, as well as different sizes. According to the last parameter, they can be divided into three main types:

  • Sheets. Their surface is smooth and smooth, can be both matte and glossy. Standard sizes: length - 1,5-4 m, width - 0,8-2 m. The sheets have proved themselves on the good side, rightfully considered a reliable and practical kind of finish.
  • Panels. The most popular and popular facing. Their range and variety make it easy to choose the right option for any interior. The kitchen apron of PVC panels differs from the others in a seamless installation. The most commonly used standard dimensions are 50 x 60 cm, but one can also find ones where the length reaches 3 m.
  • Lining is an original kind of decoration, differing from others by a narrow width of 10 cm. The color scheme is mostly monophonic.

kitchen apron made of pvc panels

Characteristic features of plastic panels

Those who want to save a little on the finishkitchen apron, you can and even need to choose your choice on PVC panels. Features of this material can not only reduce financial costs, but also cope with their installation yourself. The installation itself will not take much time and will be produced without excess dust and dirt.

Advantages of a plastic kitchen apron

Installing an apron in the kitchen from plastic (PVC panels), you can solve several problems simultaneously, since the advantages of this kind of decoration are numerous. We list the main of them:

  • Prevents the formation of dust and the accumulation of moisture directly under the panels. And this, in turn, protects against reproduction of bacteria and fungus.
  • Seamless installation facilitates care and allows you to keep the surface in impeccable cleanliness.
  • A huge number of design solutions, various drawings, colors and textures.
  • Is inexpensive panel for the kitchen apron,its price is so attractive that it is suitable even for families with a small budget. If you buy material with photo printing, then it will cost 1000-1500 rubles. for one unit, and monochrome ones are much cheaper.
  • Certified panels are completely safe, even under the influence of high temperatures. They do not contain harmful substances, so do not separate them during melting.
  • The possibility of a partial replacement of one or more panels, if the installation was done on special fasteners (bolts).
  • Ease of care. It is enough to wipe the surface with a small amount of detergent with a damp cloth.
  • The material does not absorb odors at all, which is very important for the kitchen.

choose plastic panels for kitchen apron

Let's turn to the drawbacks

Kitchen apron from PVC panels, as well as from anyother material, may have drawbacks. However, this does not mean that it is not suitable for cladding. Just need to know certain points, in order for the panels to delight the eye for a long time and eliminate the need for frequent repairs.

Cons of PVC panels:

  • Do not clean with coarse brushes, especially metal brushes, as they leave scratches.
  • Subject to mechanical influences, with a strong impact, the surface may become deformed.
  • Features of the melting point. A kitchen apron made of PVC panels can not be placed close to an open fire, as this can provoke a fire. Therefore, in this zone, it is necessary to additionally coat the wall with refractory material.
  • Cheap models can allocate harmful substances.

apron in the kitchen of plastic pvc panels

Mounting Features

A kitchen apron made of PVC panels can be fastened in several ways.

1 option - on profiles

First, you need to attach the wooden beams to thewall. The distance between them should correspond to the width of the panel. For fastening use self-tapping screws, and their hats after installation are decorated with special devices (plugs). This method is often used for unprepared walls, which are clearly marked by irregularities and differences.

Option 2 - for glue

Before choosing such an installation method,it is necessary to carry out preparatory work. They consist in leveling the walls, puttying and priming. After that, around the perimeter of the panel and in the center, glue with glue and press firmly against the wall. Preference is best given to polymer adhesive compounds, for example liquid nails. They quickly seize and subsequently create a strong connection. However, it should be noted that dismantling, if necessary, will be rather difficult, and, as a rule, it will not be possible to remove the panel entirely.

3 option - direct mounting to the wall

Such a method of installation, as well as gluing,will require a careful leveling of the walls. After that, holes are made in them and dowels are installed, their arrangement should correspond exactly to the four corners of the panels. And the last stage - direct fastening with screws.

panel for kitchen apron price

Kitchen apron made of PVC panels is an excellent solutionfor finishing. Its diversity allows you to give the space an unusual and extravagant appearance. And if you decorate it with LED backlight, then this move will greatly enhance the effect produced, and such a kitchen will not leave anyone indifferent.

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