/ / Kitchen apron made of plastic: advantages and disadvantages. How to make a kitchen apron from plastic

Kitchen apron made of plastic: advantages and disadvantages. How to make a kitchen apron from plastic

The right choice of finishing materials for the kitchenplays a major role. They will help not only to transform the space, but also to simplify cleaning. And this nuance is especially important, since there is inevitably the formation of fatty raids, soot and other contaminants associated with cooking. Particular attention should be paid to the part of the wall that is located between the countertop and the hanging lockers. It is usually called a "kitchen apron". It is this zone that is most susceptible to contamination, as it is located in close proximity to the working surface. The material chosen for its finishing must meet certain criteria and must have a beautiful view. The kitchen apron made of plastic is currently in high demand and is very popular.

apron made of plastic

Material selection criteria

Picking up the finishing material for the kitchen, veryit is important to adhere to certain criteria. This need arises in order to extend the time between repairing the premises. This process is quite costly, and not every person is able to do it every year, so all used finishing materials must have certain properties that will fully correspond to the specific purpose of the kitchen space. Particular attention should be paid to choosing a panel for the apron. The correctness of the decision will depend on the practicality and reliability of the finish.

Main criteria:

  • strength;
  • heat resistance;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • resistance to mechanical stress, chemical treatment, high humidity;
  • aesthetic appearance.

The working area near the stove is permanently liablehigh temperatures, therefore it is extremely important to observe safety precautions, in order to avoid the occurrence of fires. The apron for the kitchen (photo below) in this section must have fireproof properties. If a material such as particleboard or plastic is used for finishing, it must be combined with stainless steel or other refractory material. It is installed in the form of a decorative border about 20 cm high. This is enough to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Modern materials for the kitchen

Manufacturers are now inventeda lot of different finishing materials. They differ in price, quality, texture and color. Some natural materials do not have a rich variety of colors in the assortment, which significantly limits their use. Use of such materials is possible only with the appropriate stylistics of the entire room. But the artificial materials created by modern technologies, harmoniously fit into any interior. For their manufacture a wide range of color palette is used with the use of various ornaments and drawings. For example, an apron with photoprinting made of plastic, made in 3D format. The choice is huge, you can choose the most optimal option, which will satisfy aesthetic needs, given the possible financial costs.

apron for kitchen photo

Plastic apron. Specifications

Plastic is an inexpensive material that is optimalsuitable for finishing the kitchen area. Its surface is perfectly smooth, which completely eliminates the accumulation of dirt. All of the soot and fat is easily laundered with simple detergents. However, the kitchen apron made of plastic can not be cleaned with a metal brush, as there may be scratches. Also, this material does not tolerate the treatment with abrasive substances.

kitchen apron from plastic by own hands

In comparison with other finishing materials, plastic is somewhat inferior in strength. However, its cost and ease of installation make this deficiency quite acceptable.

Design options

Many people associate plastic with whitecanvas. However, progress does not stand still. The apron for the kitchen (photo examples in the article) from PVC panels is currently not inferior in design design to other expensive materials, for example skins. They can be found in a variety of colors: shades range from calm tones to harsh, even sometimes very daring. Such a richness of the palette will make the plot of the kitchen apron a central contrast accent. Many panels are full of a variety of drawings with a wide selection of subjects, and there are options using the photo installation. A certain installation method allows you to install additional lighting in the form of LED strips, it produces a stunning effect and at the same time improves the ergonomics of the kitchen space.

kitchen apron made of plastic

Kitchen apron made of plastic, accessories to it

One finish of the working area is not enough forfull functionality of this room. Plastic can only become an ornament and complement to the interior, but the installation of special accessories will increase convenience and comfort. To ensure that the wall panel is not idle, and performed as many functions as possible, it is necessary to install kitchen rails. They are a long tube, usually made of stainless steel, which is attached to two or more brackets. In the end, on each side, plugs are inserted, they give the design an aesthetic finished look. Rails are installed at a small distance from the hanging cabinets, which allows you to significantly relieve the work surface. Additional accessories are attached to the main tube, for example containers for spices, bread, drying for spoons and forks, small net shelves.

installation kitchen apron from plastic

Which design should I prefer?

Aprons made of plastic should not act asa separate element of the kitchen, but on the contrary, correspond to the general style. The abundance of colors and images sometimes makes it difficult to choose. In order for the room to be in harmony and cozy atmosphere, it is necessary to adhere to the following rules:

  1. With a bright and contrasting kitchen headset, the apron area is decorated in calm tones and, conversely, vice versa.
  2. The transition of shades from saturated to calm, for example: the walls are fiery orange, and the working area is sandy.
  3. The kitchen apron is a contrast accent on a neutral background.
    apron with photoprinting from plastic

Aprons made of plastic. Optimal dimensions

In order not to be mistaken with the width of the kitchenapron, first of all, you need to arrange all the furniture, hang the curtains and install the hood. After that, the overall picture will be clearly visible. Measurement of each sheet should be carried out at three points, to remove the most accurate dimensions. The discrepancy in a few millimeters is acceptable and completely covered by a special plinth. The optimum height of the kitchen apron is 50-60 cm. This arrangement will be as convenient as possible, during the cooking the mistress will not bang her head against wall cabinets, and also reach for some dishes or spices.

Methods of installing plastic panels

The main advantage of PVC sheets is simple andeasy installation. Kitchen apron from plastic is glued to the surface with the help of liquid nails. This option may require some additional work related to the wall alignment. However, in this way there is one drawback: during dismantling, remove the panel, without damaging it, it will not work. Therefore, experts recommend using the fastener with self-tapping screws. To do this, it is necessary to drill in all corners a sheet of PVC holes with a diameter of not more than 3-5 mm. Then, considering these dimensions, attach to the wall a profile or a wooden beam, on which a plastic apron will be directly installed. For aesthetics, the screws are covered with decorative caps or special caps.

Plastic for the kitchen. Benefits

Plastic panels are an indicator of value for money. At a fairly low cost, they have the following properties:

  • simplicity of installation;
  • wide range of design;
  • strength;
  • unpretentious in operation;
  • heat and sound insulation;
  • resistant to mechanical damage.

Of course, these are not all the advantages thatcan characterize the kitchen apron from plastic. Comments from people who installed such panels allow you to draw certain conclusions. To begin with, you will need to check the quality of the purchased material in order to avoid fakes. After this, refine the melting index, it should not be below 1000FROM.

aprons made of plastic

Disadvantages of plastic

Unfortunately, any material used in interior decoration has disadvantages, PVC panels are no exception.

  • If the kitchen windows face south, premature burning of the surface may occur, which will lead to loss of the original appearance and presentability.
  • During care, you can not use hard brushes, wire wool, as this can leave scratches.
  • Kitchen apron made of plastic has low fire resistance.
    panels for apron

Using PVC panels will not only allowprevent contamination of the working area in the kitchen, but will also become an original decoration of the whole room, giving it originality and individuality. The possibility of a partial replacement will allow without a full repair, change the boring design or the failed component, it will be enough to remove the old sheet and replace it with a new one. The kitchen apron made of plastic is easy to dismantle with its own hands, so this process will take a little time.

In order to create a truly beautiful, reliable and practical kitchen interior, you can safely use the finish of PVC panels.

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