/ / Koukans for fish with their own hands: convenience on fishing

Koukans for fish with their own hands: convenience on fishing

Any fisher, beginning or already experienced,understands that fishing will have to somehow store the catch caught. To pull it ashore or put in a boat is not an option, since the fish will die and begin to deteriorate. It was for such situations and were invented koukans. What is it?

This is an adaptation of anglers thatis intended for storing fish during fishing. It is a long and strong cord, at the end of which a small loop made of wire material is made. It's quite easy to create a hand-made fish for yourself. After the fish has been caught, it is pulled out, carefully remove the hook from the mouth, make a small hole in the lower part of the mouth and pass a loop. After that, the fish descends into the water, and the cord left over the surface is tied to a peg on the shore, to the holder on the boat, etc.

How to make a doll for fish with your own hands? Types

In order to answer this question, it is necessary to understand that there are several varieties of this device. The first and most simple is thread and wire.

chrysanthemums for fish with their own hands
This is the simplest doll for fish with your own hands,which can be done independently. However, many make a mistake. Catching fish, some novice fishermen pass a loop with a small wooden stick, which is fundamentally wrong. Because of the foreign body, passed in the mouth, the fish will quickly die, even being in the water.

kookan for fish

Another species of fish forhands that are fairly easy to create - it's a triangle. Adaptation of this form is very useful when catching prey on particularly hot days. At this time, the fish should be as close to the bottom as possible, it is cooler there. To do this, a small load is attached to the koukan. The loop itself should be made in the form of a triangle, and on its lower part there should be two freely moving hooks, to which the fish will be attached. Use of this type ensures the safety of fish on the bottom up to two days.

Photo of the hand-crafted kookan

In order to explain in more detailthe device of this device, it is best to use an example. Suppose you need to make a doll with your hands for a fish like pike. The peculiarity and difference of such an adaptation from the usual one will be that the pike is a predatory animal possessing powerful jaws. So, it is necessary to use a very strong material, for example, a metal cable or steel wire, which must be fixed to a strong nylon cord, for example.

The main task of such a durable deviceIt is an obstacle to the attempts of a predator to escape by snacking a wire. Experienced anglers place a kapron cord and a steel cable in a plastic sheath. The device completely excludes the possibility that the pike will bite it. But here lies another danger. Kukan for fish with their own hands of this type completely eliminates the possibility of snacking, but then all attempts to escape the fish will occur on the fastening of the goblet over the water.

Because of this, it is necessary to take care of itStrength, especially if it is directly on the boat, and on one device several large active individuals are already located. It is very important to note that when planting a pike on a doll it is important not to damage its blood vessels. If this happens, the fish will quickly die and begin to deteriorate.

how to make a doll for fish with your own hands

Rules of the nozzle on the Cucane

Going fishing and creating fish chopperswith their own hands, it is important to remember that the correct attachment of fish to fit is a very important point. Therefore, there are some rules on which it is necessary to push the pike on the Cucus.

  1. Only the lower jaw is needed to pierce. Because of the powerful jaws, it is almost impossible to tear them from the cuckoo. In addition, if the device is made correctly, then it will not be possible to escape the pike.
  2. It is important to remember that in addition to the main seriestooth predator has many smaller incisors and spines around the head. Because of this, it is recommended to take out and put the fish on the doll with gloves, which guarantee the absence of injuries.

Use of the Cucumber. Advice

Despite the fact that this invention is intendedit is for the maintenance of fish in safety, it does not always help. It happens that when caught, the fish severely damage the gill cavity or tear the lower jaw. In this case, planting an animal on a Cockatoo is a bad idea, since keeping on a koukan will still lead to a quick death.

kookan for fish with his hands photo

It also happens that the fish is too strongswallows hook with bait. In this case, getting it out is not recommended, since the risk of greater damage is too great. You can put it on the Cucane with him. Fishermen noticed that with one hook inside the pike, for example, is able to live on the koukan for about 4-5 hours.

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