/ The best front door to the apartment. Entrance doors with good sound insulation

The best entrance door to the apartment. Entrance doors with good sound insulation

The front door is one of the most importantelements of an apartment or a country house. It is the main obstacle on the way of intruders, therefore the door must first of all be reliable, capable of protecting you and your property from uninvited visitors. In addition, it is worth paying attention to its design, because it is she who meets the guests of your house.

The best front door

What is the best front door? How to choose the best option from the huge number of models presented today in the market? These issues are quite relevant today, and to get answers to them, it is necessary to know what requirements really good entrance doors should meet. Customer feedback about the manufacturer, availability of all the necessary certificates for him is a guarantee of the quality of the products.

General recommendations for the choice of entrance doors

Conditionally, the doors can be divided into wooden andmetal (there are also combined options). Undoubtedly, the leading positions for today are the doors made of steel. However, no matter which option you choose, the best entrance doors must meet several important qualities:

  • Provide protection at home from hacking using brute force.
  • Have good heat and sound insulation, which can prevent unpleasant odors, cold and noise from entering the apartment or house.
  • An important factor - access control (bolt, chain, armored glass, peephole, video surveillance).
  • The possibility of intellectual hacking should be kept to a minimum.
  • The best entrance doors to an apartment or a house should have an attractive appearance, it's not for nothing that the Americans say that the door is a smile at home.

These are the basic requirements that qualitative models must meet.


Which entrance doors are best for installation in the country or in the apartment? You can get the answer knowing the classification of the doors.

  • First grade - The most simple and cheap models. They can be hacked using conventional tools. Such doors are unlikely to provide your safety, so it is not recommended to pay attention to them.
  • Second class - can be opened using electric tools. These models are safer than the first, but it's easy enough to crack them, although it will take some time.
  • Third class - to crack such a door, you need a tool with a power of more than 500 watts. If you do not know what good entrance metal doors are, then remember that this is a third-class model.
  • Fourth class - the highest degree of reliability. These armored doors can withstand the attack from small arms.

Steel doors

During the USSR, metal doors alwaysThey aroused suspicions among neighbors who believed that the owner hides behind them something illegal. In addition, they always attracted the attention of thieves, since once installed such a reliable door, then there is something to hide.

However, at the end of the last century the situation changed radically. Wooden doors have sunk into oblivion, and they have been replaced by steel models that can provide reliable property protection.

Entrance doors are the best

How are good input metaldoors? They consist of two steel sheets - front and rear. Sometimes the design may include a third (internal) sheet. In this case it is desirable that they are all intact, since the seam after hitting it with a sledgehammer will disperse.

The best entry door has a thickness of steel plate of at least 1.5 mm. Of course, you can order a model where this value will be larger (3-4 mm), but such doors are very heavy.

Stiffening rib

Steel sheet in its properties is sufficientflexible. With simple tools, an attacker can easily bend it and get to the lock mechanism. The stiffeners significantly increase the strength of the front door. Good entrance metal doors must have at least two vertical and horizontal rows of stiffeners. The void between them is filled with special materials that provide heat and sound insulation.

As a rule, the stiffeners are made of better metal.

Hinges and crossbars

The element of the door design, which most oftenattracts the attention of intruders, are loops. They can be knocked down with a sledgehammer or easily cut off by a Bulgarian. Then you can open the door and enter the room.

To avoid this development, the bestThe entrance doors to the apartment are equipped with anti-detachable pegs (crossbars), which are passive and active. In the first case, they are stationary, and in the second - are pulled out when the owner closes the door, turning the lock.

The number of loops depends on the weight of the door and fromintensity of use. If the weight of the canvas does not exceed 70 kg, then two loops are sufficient. If this value is greater, three or four loops are necessary, otherwise the door will sink.

Hidden loops

Advantages of the closed loops are immediately visible. Firstly, they are barely noticeable when the door is in the closed position. Secondly, such loops present a serious problem for robbers. It is impossible to knock them off, it's hard to cut it off, and if it's a multi-apartment house, this option is excluded altogether, as there will be too much noise that will attract the attention of neighbors. Thirdly - aesthetics. Hidden loops do not spoil the appearance of the door.

If you do not know what good metal entrance doors are, then be sure that models with hidden loops are the safest.

Platbands and porches

Entrance doors with good sound insulation haveporches, on which various seals are fastened, providing silence in your apartment. In addition, the porches also perform a protective function. They are on the front sheet and do not allow attackers to use the crowbar, as they close the space between the box and the door.

Platbands cover the space between the doora box and an opening where it is mounted. Without the platbands, one could take out the door together with the frame, using a crowbar and a large crowbar. The physical strength of two healthy men is enough to do this.

Door locks

So, you want to buy entrance doors. The best models have locks that prevent not only penetration into the apartment using brute force, but also intellectual hacking.

What kind of locks are there? The most common and reliable are described below.

  • Cylinder - have an internal part, which is oftencalled "larva." If you lose the key to such a lock, it is not necessary to completely change it, because you can just buy a new cylinder. The main problem is that the cylinder locks can be drilled out, knocked out or unscrewed.

Which entrance doors are better

  • Suovaldnye - the main task of this type of locks is to counteract the force opening of a house or apartment. However, it is not an obstacle for an intellectual thief.

Good entrance metal doors

  • Smartlocks - locks for which keys are not needed. Open after the fingerprint examination (fingerprint, scan the retina) or you will need to enter a password. They work from electricity.

Heat and sound insulation

As stated above, there are voids between the stiffening ribs, which are filled with sound and heat insulating materials. In inexpensive models, mineral wool, sawdust, foam is used.

If you get high-quality entrancedoors with good noise insulation, in this case foam is polyurethane foam. By its properties (heat-insulating) 1 cm of this material is not inferior to 30 cm of brickwork.

To improve heat and sound insulationcharacteristics, single- and double-circuit compaction is applied. Sometimes you can find a three-circuit, but, according to experts, this is no longer a necessity, but a matter of customer taste.

Remember, do not save on filler! When choosing a door, pay attention: the material inside the fabric should be fire-resistant and non-toxic.


Developing the entrance doors, the best manufacturers try to take into account the wishes of each client. That's why the models with the most different exterior design are produced:

  • Leather (or its substitute), vinyl and other soft materials contribute to excellent sound and heat insulation. Doors with such upholstery have a very attractive appearance and relatively low cost.
  • MDF panels, plastic, lining, all kinds of lining - a magnificent finishing material, able to emphasize the individuality of the owner of the house.
  • Vandal-proof coating - Great for a country house. Although for a city apartment, a door with such a sputtering is topical, since sometimes hooligans can scratch the doors or put out cigarette butts on them.

What are the good entrance metal doors

If the financial situation allows, pay attention to models where as a finishing material a natural tree is used.

Access control

In addition to reliable locks and construction, the best front door should have good access control, which is provided by veils, latches, eyes, video surveillance.

The best entrance doors to the apartment

It is better to choose a peephole with a wide viewing angle. This will provide more information about what is happening behind the door.

As for the door chains, today they are used less and less, as the metal door has an impressive weight. If you pull it, the chain easily tears.

Chinese doors

To know which entrance doors are best to choose, you need to follow some recommendations. For example, you can not save on your own safety.

Remember, a reliable door can not cost $ 100. Today in the market you can find many models of Chinese production. And it is here that the first thing that catches your eye is their cheapness. However, the quality of such doors, to put it mildly, is not the best. As a filler, the Chinese use corrugated cardboard, which has no sound and thermal insulation properties. Metal thickness of 0.5 mm can easily be cut with a simple can opener.

And this is not all the "advantages" of these doors, thereforeit is recommended to buy domestic or imported models that are well proven, because it is better to pay more, but feel safe.

Helpful advice

Virtually all metal doors openoutside, which means that you can unconsciously prop up or spoil the door of a neighbor on the landing. In fact, this is done for security reasons, so that they can not be knocked out. In this case, the old doors, as a rule, opened into the apartment. The law prohibits changing the direction of opening the door. Therefore, before installing a metal front door, it is recommended to negotiate with neighbors. If this is not done, then they can file a complaint, EMERCOM workers will arrive and dismantle the door, writing you a fine.


Now you know what you are supposed to bethe best front door. As you can see, there are no trifles here, every detail is important - the thickness of steel, locks, fillers, design, etc. Of course, if you want to buy a door to an apartment that you plan to rent, you can choose a cheaper option.

Entrance doors with good sound insulation

However, for your own safety and security of your property it is recommended to install reliable doors.

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