/ / Replacement of locks in a metal door: what is the difficulty?

Replacement of locks in a metal door: what's the difficulty?

Most of the entrance doors in the homes of Russians -metal. This is not surprising, because they reliably protect the inner world of tenants from interference by unauthorized persons. It is important only that along with a quality door, the house is protected by a secure lock.

Installation of locks in metal doors is a processthough difficult, but long ago mastered by specialists. After all, door manufacturers make it easier for them to work, making a special niche in the door leaf. It is much more difficult sometimes to replace locks in a metal door. Particularly depressing situations are when the lock at the most inopportune moment refuses to close or open. In this case, the owner can not enter the premises or leave it.

Carry out operational work to replace the lockwill specialists of You Lock. They go on orders not only within the capital, but also throughout the region. Their services are available to everyone, because the company's pricing policy is rather democratic. And if you replace two locks, the client will be given an additional discount of 7% of the order amount. Double replacement of locks in a metal door It will be cheaper, regardless of whether these locks are in different doors or in one. You can cooperate with neighbors and make a replacement on favorable terms.

What is the complexity

The replacement of the larva of the castle is equally difficult formetal or wooden door, but if it is a question of complete dismantling, metal can bring many unpleasant surprises. Most often, you have to completely remodel the metal structure to a new size of the lock. The landing site has to be expanded or narrowed, depending on the configuration of the locking mechanism. This work requires not only practical skills, but also the availability of special equipment. However, do not despair, there are no desperate situations, as you know. Even if you do not have any experience or inventory, you have the opportunity to repair locks in a metal door with the help of professionals.

replacement of locks in a metal door

Best offer

Using the services of professionals, you save:

  • time;
  • money;
  • nerves.

Replacement and repair of locks in a metal door with departure specialist at home will cost you significantlycheaper than the amateurs of the door. All that is needed is to call a professional, and after his arrival point out the problem and provide a document confirming your right to use this room. Other questions the specialist will not arise. He will bring all the necessary equipment with him. Replacement of locks in a metal door is a problem that Muscovites and residents of the region face regularly, and often You Lock comes to the rescue in such cases. Since the professionalism, efficiency and quality of work of its employees - always on top.

If you turn to specialists in the wrongthe moment when the lock stopped working, and then, when it just began to squeak, crackle or wobble - you can save by replacing the grub and securely securing it. Obviously, replacing locks in a metal door does not always require a complete dismantling of the structure, but must be done by professionals.

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