/ / Correct planting of red currant in autumn

Correct planting of red currant in autumn

Long since red currant is considered a berryhealth. Its bushes can reach a height of 1.5 meters and bear fruit for tens of years. The flowering of this variety begins near the end of May. Full ripening of berries occurs in July.

Varieties of red currant

The most common types of berries are relativelyHigh hardiness is considered to be the Gazelle, Houghton Castle and Natalie. The first grade is medium-early. Its berries are small in size with a characteristic sweet and sour taste. The second variety is a strong shrub with thick brown shoots. Its fruits are similar in taste and size to the grapes of Gazelle. As for the variety of Natalie, it is one of the latest. Its main advantage is high yield.

planting of red currants in autumn

You can not ignore such a variety asVersailles red, which is very common in the Baltics. His bushes begin to blossom at the end of April. It is distinguished by its wrinkled leaves and short length of branches. Fruits are sweet.

Also very unpretentious to weather conditions is the Dutch red. This is a very long-lived and fruitful variety that can yield a crop for 30 years.

In Russia, another typecurrant, brought back in the USSR from Britain. This is a sort with a loud name Red Cross. The ideal place for its cultivation is the north of Kazakhstan. Berries of this variety weigh up to 1 g and taste like black currant. Shrubs - spreading and sredneroslye.

Soil for planting

Best for red currants fit wellilluminated, open areas. If this condition is not met, then later the berries will grow pale and lose their sweetness. Also this variety prefers sandy loam, loose or loamy soils. In the event that the soil in the spring was heavily waterlogged or the place itself is low, it is recommended to plant the currant on low beds. The acidity of the soil should be neutral or weak.

red currant planting scheme

The planting of red currant in autumn is carried out ondepth of 35 cm. It is important that the hole was not less than 50 cm in diameter. To fertilize the soil use compost or recycled manure. However, gardeners recommend adding 50 grams of superphosphate and potassium chloride (per 10 liters of liquid) to the mixture. It would be superfluous to fertilize the soil in a hole with diluted wood ash.

Preparation of seedlings

The optimal time for planting a red currant -the first half of September. However, to begin with, you should prepare the seedlings at home. Cut lignified cuttings are recommended in late August. The seedlings should have 3-4 strong buds. The tip and the base of the branch are cut off, and the middle will be used as the future sprout. Its length should not exceed 30 cm. The distance from the lowest kidney to the edge is about 15 cm.

Set seedlings in pots (boxes) should bevertically. The ground must be loose and slightly moist. Pots with future shoots are put in a well-lit place. After two weeks, the root system will appear in the cuttings, and they can be transferred to the ground. The time of planting red currants directly depends on the growth of shoots in the room. For the maturation of the root system, it takes from 10 days, so it is recommended to harvest them in advance - at the end of summer.

Planting of red currants

In the first stage, you should choose thelight the place and fertilize it. Once the root system of young shoots is strengthened, they can be planted in the ground. Experienced gardeners are advised to do this procedure in the first three weeks of September, although the period depends on the climate. If the air temperature is above +20 aboutWith and the sun constantly shines, and frosts come only closer to February, then the autumn planting of red currant is allowed until the middle of October.

planting red currant cuttings
The main nuance in this simple matter is that the rootscuttings managed to consolidate well in the ground, otherwise they will not survive in the winter. It is also important here that the fossa for the seedlings be appropriate. Practice shows that its depth and width should be at least 50 cm. Two-thirds of the hole is filled with mineral fertilizers and organic additives. The top layer must necessarily be fertile soil. It will be planted red currant in the fall.

At the stage of preparation of shoots they alreadythin roots were formed, but additional outgrowths are necessary for final strengthening in the soil. The scheme for planting the red currant is as follows: the cuttings are inserted into the previously fertilized soil at an inclination of 45 degrees, then they are filled with earth and manure. It is worth paying attention to the color of the bark. If it is green or blackish, then the plant is infected or withered, so it must be removed immediately from the fossa.

Leaves in 2-week seedlings should not be. If they have appeared, then they should be cut so that all the juice and nutrients come only to the roots. Before the first frost, the plant must sit firmly in the ground.

Reproduction by cuttings

It should be noted right away that the red currant tothis kind of manipulation is much more capricious than black. Only young one- or two-year-old shrubs are suitable for breeding. Planting red currant cuttings produced in the first half of September. The length of the sprout should be about 25 cm. It is important that by the time the cut is cut the bush does not begin to dry out and was not infected.

planting time for red currant
Sprouts are stored for some time in the refrigerator,They are wrapped in film or covered with moist sand. Planting the red currant in the fall allows it to be well rooted in the ground before the onset of frosts and strong winds. However, some gardeners prefer to multiply the plant in April. The disadvantage of such planting is that sprouts can quickly wither, as in summer the climate is hot and not suitable for ripening young shoots in the ground.

Before reproduction, the cuttings should collect moisture. It is also important to refresh the lower section (diagonally) just before planting. In addition, it is recommended to make some shallow incisions at the base of the cuttings, from which later young roots will appear. Plant to a depth of 20-30 cm. For the winter, you can cover the beds with a layer of straw or sawdust.

Care of young sprouts

The first 3 years the red currant is abundantfertilize, as the kidneys constantly need mineral substances. At this time, the root system is formed, which will subsequently hold the bush for decades. Caring for young shoots requires not only mineral fertilizers, but also organic. Also it is necessary to remove the weeds from the soil in a timely manner, which takes all the moisture from the currant and closes the roots of the light. Important are the supports, which hold the branches at the level under the weight of berries. In winter it is necessary to tie the branches to the ground so that they do not break down under snowdrifts.

autumn planting of red currant

Pruning young bushes

Planting red currants in autumn impliesRemove unnecessary branches in the same time period. According to gardeners, pruning should be carried out in the subsequent after the planting 3-5 years. Ideal for cleaning the bush from thickening time - end of October.

Remove dry and infected branches to the ground. Young shoots are trimmed so that 2-3 strong buds remain on them. On one basis, there should not be more than 2 young shoots.

Cut with a diameter of 8 mm or more must be greased with a special solution, so that the fungus does not form on the stump.

Why red currant?

The berries of this plant are primarily usefulIts vitamins A, B, C, E, H and PP. Also in the red currant is beta-carotene, ash, iron, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and many other mineral components. Her berries do not contain a lot of fat, so they are considered dietary. Caloric content in 100 g is only 39 cal. Most of all in the red currant carbohydrates and provitamin A.

redcurrant planting time
Berries of this plant are useful in atherosclerosis, anemia, diabetes, malfunctions in the intestine and other common diseases.

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