/ / Rocking machine: prospects for improvement and problems

Rocking machine: prospects for improvement and problems

A rocking machine is very often calleddriven by a borehole pump. It is one of the most important components of the borehole rod assembly, which is designed to lift liquid from wells. The rocking machine has the function of ensuring the movement of the pump ram through the numerous columns of the pumping rods.

rocking machine

Pumping unit

It should be understood that the machines for production are notcompletely correspond to their purpose and device. They do not pump, but simply drive the pump, which is lowered into the well for pumping out. The surface part and the pumping unit are today rather conservative equipment complexes. Their most important constructive elements did not change decades after creation.

Rocking machines today

Modern rocking machines consistdirectly from the conversion mechanism, drive motor, gearbox, V-belt drive, rack, and frame. Judging by the world experience, the approximate service life of this facility is more than thirty years. Its replacement or repair is a very expensive and time-consuming process, which is due to the size of the equipment and a significant mass.

A rocking machine is a machine whose constructionall improved and improved throughout the history of the oil production industry. The specific power and energy intensity of these machines depend on how strong the materials are.

rocking machines

Improvement of rocking machines is taking placethanks to new developments of standard sizes with similar or similar parameters (instead of existing ones). I can give some examples. So, it includes the following: a rocking-type rocking machine, chain-type machines, with a hydraulic line and others. But if by the parameters of the technology these devices can exceed the traditional rocking machines, then they were not able to surpass them by reliability. Therefore, in the oil industry for another ten to fifteen years, this kind of drives will be a monopolist.

Competitors of machine-rocking machines

The most important competitors in the regionThe use of downhole sucker rod pumping units with a drive to date is a diaphragm, rod, electromagnet and hydraulic piston unit. The last two types of installations are much more expensive, and the first two are the main competitors for the operation of low-curved and straight-line wells. Pumping rod screw installations are distinguished by a lower price of the ground part. They are sufficiently reliable and do not require the construction of a foundation. Their implementation is more organizational than technical in nature, as the experience of their operation in Canada suggests.

machines for production

So we can safely predict that in the verythe near-term demand for rocking machines will remain at the same level, there will be no big changes in the balancing drives, and their further development will go in the direction of improving and creating quite unconventional designs.

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