/ / Shade-loving shrubs for the garden

Shade-loving shrubs for the garden

Shaded corners in the garden create trees, highshrubs, walls of buildings, hedges. Experienced gardeners are able to use seemingly unfit for a full-fledged development of plants at the first glance, planting shrubs, flowers and grasses on these plots, which are very well felt there. Shrubs for the garden that do not require bright sunlight, as a rule, do not differ in spectacular flowering, but they have beautiful foliage and picturesque forms.

Shadow-tolerant gaultery, pachisander and periwinkle large

Of the more than 170 species of plants belonging to the genus Gaulteria, in gardens grown Chilean Gaultheria mucronata and Gaultheria shallon, home to which is the Pacific coast of North America.

shrubs for the garden
Shrubs for garden of the species Gaulteria Shalloninterest gardeners as evergreen low shrubs with leaves of ovoid shape, suitable for curbs and rock gardens. In May - June, shrub shoots are decorated with white or pink water-lily flowers. In autumn small (1 centimeter in diameter) round fruits ripen. First they become purple, then black. Gaulteria shallon can be cultivated both in open areas and in the shade. In the category of "decorative shrubs for the garden" includes pahizandra - one of the best plants that grow under the canopy of trees and other shady and semi-shady places.
shrubs for garden photos
Pakhizandra very quickly grows onhumidified soils, forming a bright carpet, which does not interfere with the absence of sunlight. Inflorescences of white small flowers, appearing in the spring, have no special decorative value. Choosing shade loving shrubs for the garden, you should not bypass the plants related to the semishrubs. For example, Vinca Major, or Periwinkle large, which can quicklygrow out in breadth, form a whole plantation of luscious and bright greenery, adorned with charming flowers of sky-blue or lilac shades. The penumbra is the ideal illumination for this unpretentious half-shrub.

Creeping bush - ivy ordinary

Creeping shrubs for the garden - plants, which, clinging to their subordinateroots for any support (walls, trunks of trees), are able to climb a fairly large height. This is an ordinary ivy, found in the countries of the Northern Hemisphere, characterized by a mild climate. Shade and low air temperature are ideal conditions for the development of this plant.

Cotoneaster - ground cover plant for growing in the shade

Shade-loving shrubs for the garden

Canteen horizontal - shrub, oftenmeeting in the greening of large and small cities in the southern regions of European Russia, as well as cities in North America, East Asia and Europe - is particularly decorative. Its dark green leaves in the summer turn purple in autumn. During the three spring weeks (May to June) pinkish-red flowers bloom on the horizontally sprouted branches of the cotoneaster. Since September, the plant is decorated with spherical fruits with a diameter of 4 - 5 millimeters. Bright red berries cotoneaster keep on shoots until December, and sometimes until the spring thaw.

The shrubs for the garden mentioned above (photo above) are not very demanding of sunlight.

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