/ / Crop pruning: rules and subtlety of the procedure

Pruning the skull: rules and subtlety of the procedure

Many of us have ever eaten a ripe sweet cherry, butnot everyone knows how to grow it properly. And to harvest a good harvest, you need to master some technique of pruning. Not in every garden you will meet such an amazing tree as a sweet cherry, as it is rather whimsical in leaving. But if everything is done correctly, it will bear fruit well - the berries will be large, sweet and in large quantities. Pruning cherries is the main method of caring for a tree. All the tips and rules on this subject will be considered further. They will help beginners growers.

Why you need cropping

Do it to the tree to bring good fruit. The pruning of the petioles, usually at a young age, is performed. This procedure helps to form the correct tree crown. This can be done from spring to autumn. It is worth remembering the older the tree becomes, the more it requires care. One pruning here is not enough. To get it right, you need to follow the basic goals and know what it's for:

  • that all branches are well illuminated by the sun;
  • to form a strong crown at the tree;
  • to revitalize the tree;
  • to maintain a single crown size.

For each item to be respected, it is necessary to study allavailable ways of caring for a tree. It is also necessary to know what the correct scheme for pruning cherries looks like. For beginners we suggest that you familiarize yourself with all the subtleties.

Simple Tips

It is worth taking a few tips from experienced gardeners:

  1. Doing each cut, it is worth remembering that it will necessarily affect the growth and development of cherry. If it is done incorrectly or untimely, then the fruit tree system will break.
  2. You need to know where and how the cherry is pruned.
  3. It is necessary to learn and familiarize yourself with the correct technique of pruning branches.
  4. For the procedure you need to prepare a well sharpened garden tool.
  5. The tree tolerates only small sections. Therefore, if possible, do this only while the tree is young.

When pruning the sweet cherry

Pruning a cherry requires an optimal season. From the moment the tree is planted in the ground, and before the fruiting begins, it is necessary to prune. In this case, one should adhere to the main task - to properly form skeletal branches. In the future it will help to get new shoots. The pruning of the petiole is to remove the annual shoots and excess branches that take the tree's strength. Large branches are cut to half the length, and medium and small - to 1/3 of the length. As a result, the crown of the tree will be lush and strong. Such a procedure must be carried out without fail with each tree. Otherwise, do not expect from a sweet cherry large and rich harvest. It is also worth considering the time of the year to process the tree.

pruning of cherries in spring

Pruning in autumn

The processing of a tree in the autumn period shouldmust be carried out. This is the best time to prepare cherries for the next season. Pruning a tree in autumn will help to give a large and high-quality harvest. The treatment is done after all the leaves have completely fallen off. At the same time you can immediately cut off all the rotten branches and prepare the tree for the winter.

Trimming a tree in the spring

Pruning in the spring helps makethe correct form of the tree. Experienced gardeners make it in such a way that the branches grow in a horizontal position. This helps in the future to collect cherries easily. It is worth considering how the pruning of cherries should be done in the spring. The processing scheme is as follows:

pruning in the spring scheme

1. In the first spring after planting a tree on it it is necessary to put marks of the height of the stem. From it, count 7-8 kidneys up and make the first cut in this place.

2. In the second year, several branches are selected among the lateral shoots and begin to form the initial tier of the crown. The lowest shoot is shortened by half its length, and all the others are adjusted to its size. From the topmost branch measure about 65-70 cm and cut off.

3. In the third year of life, the cherries are cut by branches to the size of the first tier, and all new shoots that grow to the center are removed.

4. On the fourth spring, shorten the central branch to prevent the accelerated growth of the tree. Shoots that belong to the third tier, all cut off. They should be shorter than the central branch.

pruning scheme

As can be seen from the scheme, pruning of cherry in the spring is a procedure that is performed not in one year. This is a gradual preparation of the tree for a good harvest.

Trimming a tree in summer

A young tree can be cut in the summer,but they do it only when necessary. Summer is a favorable time of the year for such treatment. During this period, you can do this procedure no more than three times. This time is great for removing all excess overgrown branches or those that have dried and rotted. If the tree is old, then in the summer you can begin updating it. Rejuvenation of the sweet cherry is to remove all the old wood. All wounds should be treated with special medications. So that the tree does not die and has well tolerated such a procedure, do it gradually over several years.


To collect every year a rich harvest of deliciousand aromatic cherry, you need to properly care for the tree. Then it will be strong and fruitful. To do this, it is necessary that the pruning of cherries in the spring is constantly performed. The scheme presented above will help inexperienced growers. It is not difficult to master these skills. It is worth armed with a secateur and follow the advice. The main thing in this matter is not to hurry up and follow the instructions.

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