/ / Gooseberries: pruning in autumn and proper care

Gooseberries: pruning in autumn and proper care

Gooseberries, developing, throws out a hugethe number of young shoots that lead to a very rapid thickening of the bush and a decrease in its fertility. In addition, over the years, some branches of this plant are warped and begin to grow. That is why gooseberries are often subjected to the procedure of pruning and forming a bush.

Gooseberries: care and pruning

gooseberries pruning in autumn
The best time to prune this shrubearly spring is considered, when his kidneys have not yet blossomed. However, in this plant they blossom very early and therefore greatly shorten the period of time when it is possible to form gooseberries. Pruning in autumn this shrub allows a number of works with the plant. To do this, in the twenties of September, almost immediately after harvest, the old shoots are completely removed. The gardener needs to cut them to the very bottom, without even leaving a hemp. In addition, all broken and withered branches are removed. After the procedure, all the cut off parts should be burned, because they can be carriers of various fungal diseases and parasites.

Gooseberries: pruning in autumn

gooseberry care and pruning
To make the shrub form immediately after harvestingit is almost completely cut out, leaving only three or four strong young shoots that grow from different sides of the base of the bush. All the young and damaged parts of the plant are mercilessly removed. When such a cropping of gooseberry is produced, the photo of which you can see below, all deformed and twisted branches are also deleted.

As a result, the formed shrub should have fromten to sixteen shoots of different ages, evenly growing on all sides. However, the process does not end there. It continues every fall, removing all shoots older than seven or eight years. They can be easily distinguished from the younger ones by the dark color of the cortex, weak fruit bearing and twisting of the branches. This procedure allows you to release a huge amount of plant nutrients and send them to places where they could not only maintain life, but also ensure the growth and development of berries.

pruning gooseberry photos
Sometimes a gardener has to work with a healthy,but very neglected plant. As a rule, such a shrub is strongly thickened by the radical branches. In addition, the tips of drooping shoots from him are often already rooted in the ground. To update this gooseberries, the horticulturist removes all the roots in the early spring and thins out the entire bush. Gooseberries, pruning in autumn which allows almost completely to update the plant, is very quickly restored. As a rule, after this procedure, the bush starts to bear abundant fruit on uncircumcised branches.

Gooseberries: pruning in autumn to form a bast

With this procedure it turns out to be very beautiful andA convenient bush, from which it is easy to harvest berries. To form the bush, when cutting, only one vertical branch is left. This type of action on gooseberry is aimed at creating a full crown with shoots of different ages. Usually the whole process takes about five years, but after a gardener gets a comfortable and aesthetically good looking bush, from which it is very easy to collect fruits.

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