/ / Raspberry: varieties for Siberia. Description, features of planting and care

Raspberries: varieties for Siberia. Description, features of planting and care

Who does not dream to try the summerfragrant raspberries? This is the most popular berry among amateur gardeners. They can endlessly talk about varieties, planting, growing, taste and color of these fruits. And what a tasty and useful jam comes from raspberries!

how to plant a raspberry

Only the short life of this berry: its usual varieties bear fruit in the middle of summer, once a year - it depends on the variety and region of cultivation. But what do the raspberry lovers living in Siberia want to grow this berry?

Not so long ago, breeders were introduced "Siberian" raspberries - varieties for Siberia, specifically designed for cultivation in this region.

General information about raspberry

Raspberry is the representative of the family RosaceaeLuss - rosaceous, genus Rubus L. This is a long half-shrub that has a shortened life cycle of the plant overground part. The root system is a rhizome with multiple subordinate roots that extend to a depth of up to 40 cm.

Rhizome gives shoots of two types: reproduction and substitution. The aerial part of the plant develops in two cycles: annual shoots grow in the first year until the autumn cooling, in the second year they yield, wither and disappear.

It is established that the raspberry harvest directly dependsfrom the height and diameter of the shoot: the higher the stems, the more the number of fruit branches on them is formed, and, consequently, the greater the yield. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the timely creation of optimal conditions conducive to the development and growth of annual shoots.

What should be the raspberry variety for Siberia

Raspberry does not require any specialcare, however this plant is quite susceptible to colds, which narrows the possibilities of its cultivation in areas with a harsh climate. Therefore, before undertaking the cultivation of this crop, it is necessary to study varieties that are most suitable for soils and climatic conditions in the region where raspberries will be grown. Varieties for Siberia should be, first of all, frost-resistant, ripening before the beginning of the cold and resistant to pests and diseases.

raspberry in siberia

For the successful cultivation of raspberries in the yearit takes about 75 days with an absolute temperature of more than 10 ° C and an average annual temperature of 1600 to 1800 ° C. In Western Siberia, such criteria are met by regions located south of the geographical line Khanty-Mansiysk-Krasnoyarsk. In Eastern Siberia, these are small plots in the basins of the Selenga, the Angara and the Yenisei, and in the Far East almost all of the Amur basin is suitable for planting.

Siberian raspberries

Raspberry reacts negatively to a very lowair humidity: with a relative 40% humidity of less than 40%, the so-called "air drought" begins, which is not affected even by watering the soil. It leads to a sharp decrease in yield and berry harvests.

Concerning the Southern Urals, Siberia and the Left Bank of the Volga, in these regions the excessive dryness of the continental climate is significantly affected.

Breeders were specially adapted to the harsh conditions of raspberries. Sorts for Siberia, the most popular in the northern region, are as follows:

  • Ogonek Sibirskiy - a variety with standard dates for the ripening of berries;
  • Early sweet - early raspberry, perfectly tolerating Siberian frosts;
  • Barnaul - super-resistant to frost variety;
  • Reward - frost-resistant appearance with sweet berries;
  • The gift of Siberia is a winter-resistant medium-late variety, highly resistant to diseases, black berries.

Conditions for cultivation

Of all the existing berry crops, onlyraspberry is the most demanding for the availability of lighting. The productivity of its shoots increases with the improvement of illumination. To achieve this, trim, normalize and select the optimal supporting system.

landing of raspberry in siberia
Raspberries in the garden are exacting to the moisture of the soil and react poorly to a lack of moisture. The greatest importance is attached to precipitation at the beginning of the growing season.

Raspberry, standing out with great discretiondampness, at the same time, does not endure intensive overmoistening. Surplus water in the soil leads to the death of the rhizome due to lack of oxygen, the growth of the shoots slows down, the aging of their tissues lags. The plants instantly reduce cold resistance and productivity. In addition, the number of pathogens grows in the moist soil.

Raspberry is also very demanding for the mechanical and fertile soil composition where it grows. There is nothing better than to plant raspberries in a medium weakly acidic loam with good drainage.

How to choose a site for planting

The site, which is decided to choose for planting raspberries, must meet the following criteria:

  1. It is advisable to have a watering system near the pond for watering the system (or a bunker).
  2. The humus content required for planting should be within 8% in weakly acidic or neutral soils.
  3. The subsoil layer should be well permeable and, at the same time, moist. For this you can make plowing and loosening.
  4. The level of soil water on the site should not beabove one and a half meters from the surface of the earth, since excessive amounts of moisture are harmful to the reproduction of raspberries, and spring flooding is even more so. For planting saucers and lowlands will not do. In addition, in such unfavorable areas, air masses stagnate, which slows down the gas exchange processes and leads to the development of fungi and freezing in winter.
  5. A significant role in the site is protected from the wind blowing, especially squall during the period of fullness of the branches with fruits.

Features of cultivation

In the same place, raspberry bushes canto bring good harvests for about eight years. This is followed, as they say, by "fatigue of the soil". It is expressed in the fact that the stocks of nutrients are drying up, while the root system is aging. In addition, a different pathogenic microflora accumulates on the plantation, and raspberry spoils.

varieties of raspberry raspberry for siberia

The description of the solution to this problem contains various systems of cultural turnover:

  1. The plantation is planted in half of the planned area. After four to five years, the landing moves to the second half, and the first is writhing.
  2. With enough large areas, a new plantation is broken every year. This ensures the availability of all age groups and continuous turnover.
  3. Alternation of plantings of raspberries, vegetables (except for solanaceous) and "vapors".

Raspberries will feel the best on a plateau of medium elevations and gentle slopes located on the north-west or west side.

Care of seedlings

So how to plant raspberries and buy her seedlingsas a rule, at different times, it is very important to preserve the planting material: it is temporarily buried or trampled, observing that the root system is not dried up due to insufficient compaction by the earth.

Raspberry bushes do not stand out greatfrost resistance of the aboveground parts. The stems of most varieties deteriorate already at minus 28 ° C. Therefore, in Siberia and the Urals they must be sheltered for the winter. Usually in the Urals and in Western Siberia, it is sufficient to bend stems to the ground with sprinkling them with snow. In the Far East and Eastern Siberia, they are covered with soil (in the image of vineyards).

The tops of the stems on the raspberry bushes, as a rule, are notbring a full crop, but spend on blooming and the formation of kidney nutrients. In addition, they often freeze. Therefore, they must be cut off immediately after the plants left the wintering grounds.

Ways to keep between rows

The degree of plantation moistening isthe primary factor influencing the choice of the way of row care, which raspberries require. The description of the technology for the removal of moisture or its conservation is as follows:

  1. In the area of ​​excessive moisture,zazluzhenie sites inter-row, that is, landing between the rows of special grass grass. Its sheet mass increases the drainage of excess moisture and provides a better water-air regime in the soil layer where the roots are located. Therefore, even in wet, rainy weather, there is no mud and no slush in the rows.
    raspberry description
  2. With a lack of moisture or excessive evaporationthe rows are mulched with straw. A light layer of mulch usually has a temperature a couple of degrees lower than the air temperature. Therefore, upon it, after the sun sets, moisture condenses and returns to the soil. That is, there is a so-called "dry watering" beds.
    raspberry propagation

Also, the light color of the mulch reflects the rays of the sun, giving light to the rows from below, which has a beneficial effect on how the raspberries are developing - varieties for Siberia need additional lighting.

Arrangement of landing

Having bought a planting stock, it's time to takesite breakdown. The plantation is divided into strip-rows, trying to orient them across the slopes (for large areas) and across the movement of adverse winds. It is also desirable to orient the series from north to south, which makes it possible to uniformly illuminate bushes on all sides of the row, and this, in turn, positively affects their yield.

Planting raspberries in Siberia is possible in both autumn and spring. At this time, you can do without irrigation, that is, natural hydration.

Depending on the amount of work, planting can be done manually, if the plantation area does not exceed one hectare, or mechanized, if more.

If manual landing is carried out, first inrows are driven into pegs, and between them wire or cord is pulled. Next, planting shrubs in pairs, that is, two in one hole. Between the holes retreat half a meter and the ground from the next hole is covered with the roots of the seedlings in the previous one.

Stamp varieties for the cold region

In the general case, the part is the partThe trunk, which is visible from the surface of the earth to the first branch. The stab has no lateral branches and shoots. With respect to berry crops, the name "stamping" means that the plant has a strong trunk and does not need a garter, tapestries or supports.

The escape of the raspberry variety is chunky,truncated trunk, having a height of about one and a half meters. It has not drooping top, dense wood, and in people this raspberry is called a crimson tree.

Stamp raspberries in Siberia are represented bygrades like Stambovaya-19, Krepysh, Tarusa and others. They have stiff and thick trunks, in the second season they give many fruit branches with abundant harvest. If you cut off the branches of substitution on such a stem, then the raspberry bush will resemble a tree that does not slope even when under the weight of the crop. If these branches are left, they will bend over, full of berries, but will not reach the ground.

Shoots that are harvested, cut out, as in normal varieties.

Cultivation of repair raspberry in Siberia

The latest research of breeders wasmarket new varieties, called remontant. It is recognized that the repair is the best raspberries for Siberia. Such plants can bear fruit for two seasons, but more often one-year cultivation is practiced. The yield of these varieties exceeds the fruiting of ordinary varieties by four to five times.

In addition, remontant varieties are more resistant to disease, transportable and most non-sticky.

One-season cultivation provides thatafter harvesting and the onset of frost in late October, the shoots that are harvested are cut or mowed to the soil level. In the spring new branches grow, then the process repeats. It is important not to allow thickening of plantings.

Varieties of raspberry raspberries for Siberia are represented by raspberry varieties Indian Summer, Monomakh's Cap, Hercules, Bryansk Diva, Inaccessible, Chef, Kalashnik and others, having a small vegetation period.

raspberry varieties for siberia

For the rapid cultivation of shoots in the spring afterthawing of the land covered with black covering material, and after the emergence of shoots set trellis. As soon as possible to wake the raspberry - that's the secret of growing this berry in Siberia.

Pros and cons of a remontant one-year raspberry

The merits of this raspberry culture include:

  • removal of the fertilized stems makes it easier to control pests and diseases;
  • do not need to shelter for the winter;
  • the use of chemicals is minimized;
  • the time of consumption of fresh raspberries was prolonged;
  • varieties do not need a garter and a tapestry device;
  • dense berries that do not crumble allow the organization of mechanized harvesting in large areas;
  • remontant varieties give few substitute shoots and shoots, which simplifies the fight against thickening, but complicates the reproduction of raspberries.

The main disadvantage of these varieties is highthe price of seedlings, which is due to the difficulty of reproduction, associated with a small number of offspring. This is due to the fact that one-year repair varieties give all their strength to the formation of a bush and a crop on it, so that the roots and processes do not have time to develop.

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