/ What is a chronometer? Detailed analysis

What is a chronometer? Detailed analysis

This article describes what a chronometer, who invented it, why it is needed and how to use this device in the modern world.

Ancient times

Since ancient times, people have felt the need for an accuratedefinition or measurement of a time interval. And if in times of the primitive system without any such things at least somehow managed, then with the creation of a civilized social society this question arose with new severity. The absence of clocks and other instruments for accurate time measurement made it very difficult for some aspects of life. And if there were no problems with the countdown of days, then how to agree on a meeting? Of course, you can navigate the sun, but this method is far from perfect, and not always clear weather. It is for these reasons that people have tried to invent watches and their analogs.

The first such devices, found by archaeologists,are called clepsydra. It is a vessel from which liquid gradually flowed, because of which a float with divisions descended. Of course, such a thing was suitable only for measuring the time interval.

But even earlier our ancestors used solarhours, noticing that the location of the shadows varies, depending on the time of day. Well, the hours of the customary design for the first time began to be mass produced in the late Middle Ages. They were expensive, big, and not everyone could afford them. Yes, and there was no such need - the city built a tower, where the clock stood, and anyone could know the time.

However, watches of different designs still had inaccuracies, and so in 1731 a watchmaker Harrison constructed a chronometer. So what is a chronometer and what is it for?


what is a chronometer

According to the terminology, the chronometer is a specialaccurate hours with minimal error. They are used where the definition of time or its segment is particularly important. Acquire such a device for home use is meaningless.

In simple terms, these are the most common watches, the course of whichis very accurate, and they are spared from a number of shortcomings. So Harrison was not the inventor of the watch, he just took their overall design and perfected it at that time. So now we know what a chronometer is. But where is it applied?


chronometer price

The most important shortcoming of such a device asthe chronometer of time, was originally its price. Since it took much longer to manufacture it, compared to a conventional clock. Nevertheless, a little later Garrison was able to reduce their cost price, and chronometers became very in demand. The first who rated them according to their merit, were sailors. In those days, the definition of latitude and longitude was made by the sun, and an accurate chronometer was needed to record the time of sunrise or sunset of our luminary. Naturally, the more precisely this was done, the more accurately the seamen determined their location.

Later, various scientists became interested in the device, for example astronomers, who needed to accurately record some events. So we figured out what a chronometer is.


time chronometer

Such a device for several centuriesIt was used for navigation on air or sea vessels, but now the chronometer is practically not used, except as a backup tool. The fact is that it was replaced by a more accurate quartz watch. And in general, the navigation of ships and aircraft has long been based on radio signals or satellite systems. But if desired, anyone can still buy a device like a chronometer. The price differs greatly, depending on the size, brand, accuracy and decoration. For example, a replica of the marine chronometer MX 6 will cost 31,000 Russian rubles. A wrist watch and modern chronometers brand Ulysse Nardin cost from 300 000 thousand. But the cost of more simple options starts from about 1500 rubles.

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