/ / Tomato Budenovka - a favorite of gardeners

Tomato Budenovka - a favorite of gardeners

This gorgeous variety with an average period ofRipening has constant adherents among amateur gardeners. Indeed, even in not very successful seasons, the Budenovka tomato yields consistently high yields of large and unusually tasty salad dressing. This sort is far from new. Nevertheless, it is no worse than today's large-bodied varieties. His success is largely due to his undemanding care and resistance to diseases, primarily to late blight.

Tomato variety Budenovka refers to the selection of GISOK- State Institute of Agricultural Vegetables. It refers to indeterminate varieties, that is, it has a high unlimited growth. This is especially noticeable in greenhouses, where it often reaches a height of more than one and a half meters. In connection with this feature, the Budenovka tomato needs to be tied up. The top should be plucked to prevent excessive growth.

The variety is intended for greenhouses, filmshelters, as well as for open ground. However, in the open ground it can be successfully grown only in the southern regions of the country. When growing outdoors, the bush is about 70 cm high, but it still needs to be tied to the support. When forming a shrub Budenovka tomato is recommended to be allowed in one stem. However, with good care and top dressing during the season, it produces large fruits even when it is formed into two stems.

Planting for seedlings is held in early March,landing in unheated greenhouses - in May or early June, as climate conditions permit. Seedlings by the time of disembarkation must reach the age of 60 to 65 days. Considering that plants are strongly leafy and tall, you can plant no more than 3 plants per square meter. Planting can be done in two rows, placing the bushes in staggered order.

When growing tomatoes Budenovka does not requireexcessive efforts or some special methods of care. After planting, the bushes should be immediately tied. In the first two weeks they should be watered twice a week. When they get accustomed to a new place, watering is reduced to once in 2 weeks. In this case, they must be abundant. Water for irrigation should be warm. Form Budenovka tomato in one (two) stems. All other stepsons should be regularly removed. For better adaptation after planting, the plants can be treated with Epin.

Feeding is carried out at least three times a season with a full mineral fertilizer. Recommended for fertilizing is also fertilizer "Aelita".

Fruits Budenovka large and very tasty. They reach a mass of 400-500 grams, and some can be more. From one bush they remove up to 7 kg of fruit. Fruiting occurs an average of 108-110 days after seeds have been sown. The fruits are pink-crimson, have a cordate shape. They are resistant to cracking. In regions with a cool climate, they can be left to dozarivanie. In this case, you can have fresh tomatoes until the middle of October.

Fruits can be used fresh and forpreparation of tomato paste and juices. They are fleshy and juicy, sweet taste. In many respects thanks to this excellent taste and the tomato Budenovka is popular. Reviews about him are usually only positive. If there are failures during its cultivation, they are most likely related to errors in agrotechnics or extremely unfavorable weather conditions.

Fresh tomatoes are extremely useful. They are rich in minerals, including magnesium, potassium and iron. When they are used for food, the work of the stomach and intestines is normalized, cholesterol is lowered and blood pressure is normalized. With this in mind, it is worthwhile to have large-bodied varieties of salad tomatoes on your site. Plant Budenovka in your home. You will appreciate this wonderful grade. Have a good harvest!

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