/ / Shade-tolerant plants

Shade-tolerant plants

Sunlight is one of the most importantfactors for the life of houseplants that absorb it for the synthesis of primary organic substances. But today, few residents of apartments can boast of rooms whose windows are "successfully" oriented to the south or east. Almost every one of us in the house has a corner that is far from the world, but he really wants to decorate with flowers.

Of course, not one of our "green friends" can notdo without the sun, but there are shade-tolerant plants that can be grown under low light conditions. Let's try to figure out which species to choose, so that they do not perish from lack of sun.

The most shade-tolerant houseplants arerepresentatives of two families: the Marant and the Aroids. The first include those who prefer a light penumbra or a little scattered light. Some maranthocks can be grown even with full artificial illumination, while all the aroids still require a certain amount of sunlight, preferring only a slight shade.

To those who carry strong shading and do not requireAlmost no additional artificial illumination includes such species as aspidistra, palisota, pellinium. Due to the peculiarities of growing, they are considered to be rather rare indoor crops and in flower shops are a big deficit. And those who tolerate shading, but still require additional light, are shade-tolerant plants such as alocasia, anthurium, aglaonema, and asplenium, which are cultivated in warm and humid rooms.

Feel good in the penumbra and manyvarieties of such a common begonia. These shade-tolerant plants do not like a lot of sun, and on the window sill they can easily burn themselves. Therefore, they usually get along well on the northern windows.

Many summer residents face such a situation,When the sunny areas of their gardens abound in multi-colored flowering plantations, and the shady places look empty and abandoned, weeds are developing there. However, experienced gardeners know how to grow a lush flowerbed, planting there shade-tolerant plants that will feel good in such conditions.

One of the most popular inhabitants of shadygardens are the hosts whose spectacular leaves retain their color until autumn frosts, and while providing the necessary moisture of the soil these shade-tolerant plants will please their masters with fragrant white flowers.

The first place in the nomination "shade-tolerant perennials" is occupied by astilba, which is also quite unpretentious and resistant to various pests.

If the plot of the garden, which almost does not fallthe sun adjoins the house, then at its walls you can safely plant girlish grapes or ivy, which, with the necessary moisture, quickly take root, and then no longer require any care.

In the flower-bed, located in the shade of the trees of the garden,you can successfully grow primroses, which bloom even before the formation of foliage. This hellebore, hyacinth, primula, crocus. They look great against the background of just waking from the winter of nature. No less successfully can grow well-known lilies of the valley and forget-me-nots, who are also considered permanent residents of shady gardens. Their white and with various shades of blue flowers turn the flower bed into a solid carpet that resembles the sky and clouds.

Do not be afraid to show imagination when breaking upgarden. The main thing is to choose the right assortment of planted plants, and then the shady areas will be no less attractive for rest than the sunny mottled flower beds, especially since in the shade you can perfectly relax in the summer heat.

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