/ / Ventilation in a private home - approaches to problem solving

Ventilation in a private home - approaches to solving a problem

Once upon a time all houses in Russia were wooden,made of logs, and no plaster was used either inside or outside. This means that the house simply "breathed", absorbing air from the street and passing it inside. Windows and doors made of wood also did not interfere with natural air exchange. In every village dwelling there was a Russian stove, which drained the exhaust pipe through the chimney. Thanks to this, natural ventilation was carried out in a private house.

Even now, if you are interested in buildingwooden house with wooden windows and doors, with the obligatory equipping with a fireplace or stove, the problem of ventilation of such a structure simply disappears. In such a house, all processes will occur naturally, as in the old days. There will be a cool on a hot day, and in the cold season, the fireplace or stove will not only heat the room, but also remove stale air to the street. And if we talk about buildings not from a beam or a log equipped with very tight glass double-glazed windows, then it is necessary to decide how ventilation in a private house will be provided.

For example, you can take a cottage built onwireframe technology. At such a house the walls do not breathe at all, as they are tight. That is why ventilation in a private house built using this technology is a special issue. In the case of a very small house, the problem is sometimes solved by installing modern windows equipped with a microventilating system. In addition, it is possible to install a supply and exhaust ventilation system. It has a very simple principle of operation, and the installation procedure is not particularly complicated. From the residential building, "bad" air is forcibly removed, and a fresh one, in a similar volume, is pumped from the street. This is done through the introduction into the walls and ceilings of special ventilation ducts. That is why the question of what ventilation should be in a private house must be resolved at the design stage. For a particular room, the operating principle of ventilation must be determined individually. If you plan to build and equip your house yourself, then it's worth to consult an experienced specialist on the issues related to the selection of the optimal system. Building standards assume that ventilation in a private house can be one of the types: natural, forced or forced-supply. And then only a professional is able to choose the right type of ventilation, and also observe all the norms of air exchange.

The supply and exhaust system has a number ofadvantages, one of which is considered to be the possibility of using a heat exchanger in it that does not consume energy and does not require the supply of hot water. The ventilation system should be supplemented with a recuperator, which will minimize the percentage of heat loss. If you want to create a ventilation pool, then it must be equipped with a dehumidifier. If we talk about the ventilation system with a recuperator, it is worth noting that it allows to keep the heat even in those cases when there is a negative temperature outside the window, since the air entering the house is warmed up and only then is fed inside. The recuperator can only be used in conjunction with the exhaust ventilation system. Such a system significantly reduces the cost of heating the premises. The system works in a similar way in the summer, however in the opposite direction. So it is possible to reduce the load on air conditioners, and also to save electricity.

It is important to remember and about such an important moment asventilation of sewerage in a private house. Such a system will not allow for accumulation of various gases and odors in the sewage system, which often leads to negative consequences. Installation of such a system should be done after consultation with a specialist.

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