/ / Professional tips: how to hang a picture on the wall

Professional tips: how to hang a picture on the wall

Carpets have long been out of fashion, but pictures andphotos on the walls - it's modern, aesthetic and extraordinary. Placement of canvases is one of the most expressive ways of manifesting one's individuality. Given one "but": if the decorative element is harmoniously inscribed in the interior. Because how to hang a picture on the wall, it is worth considering in advance.

On the one hand, hammering a nail into the wall is a matternot solitary, solved in a matter of minutes. On the other hand, even the most beautiful landscape can spoil the appearance of the room, and a simple reproduction of the "Black Square" by Malevich will turn the living room into a luxurious apartment. To the interior and artwork mutually complement each other, to hang beautiful paintings on the wall should be according to certain rules.

how to hang a picture on a wall


The most common mistake is pictures,located too high. This image does not have to contemplate and looks pretty strange. How is the optimum level determined for the canvas? How to hang a picture on the wall correctly?

  • Stand in front of the place where the picture, picture or panel will eventually hang.
  • Note the level where the naturally thrown look rests (without raising or lowering the head).
  • From the bottom edge of the picture panel mentallyback off a couple of centimeters. It is this part of the image that should be at the marked level. But this is provided that the ceilings are high in your home or apartment. If they are low, then you need to retreat not 2-3, but 6-7 cm from the bottom edge of the canvas.


Notice how the light falls on the picture. Lighting should be uniform, without glare and shadows. Ideal - individual illumination halogen lamps.

how to hang a picture without nails

Location of the picture

The volume of the room dictates its conditions. It must be taken into account when deciding how to hang a picture on the wall. Vertical paintings create the impression of high ceilings of the room, and horizontal increase the width of the walls.

Grouping pictures

In the case where it is supposed to hang severalpaintings on one wall, you should pay attention to their combination. There are three variants of harmonious combination of different canvases into one composition:

  • on this topic;
  • by style;
  • on color scale.

Regardless of how many canvases will bebe close, three or more, note that the central picture is the main one. The advantage of attention is given to her. Proceeding from this and plan the spatial placement of pictures relative to each other.

hang a picture without drilling a wall

Methods of attaching canvases

  • If the walls of your room are made of wood or red brick, then the most correct solution to the problem of how to hang a picture on the wall is to use the old kind and reliable way to drive a nail.
  • A wall of concrete will require a little more effort andA more complicated tool is a perforator or impact drill. With their help you need to drill a hole in it, screw a screw into it or insert a dowel and already in it to hammer a nail. With this method of fixing the picture will hang reliably for as long as you like. But the desire to outweigh it in this case can be a problem. After all, there will be a hole in the wall.

beautiful paintings on the wall

  • For gipsokartonnyh walls you need to usespecial dowels "butterflies", which are inserted into the prepared hole and abut the wall from the back side with special spacers. Thus, the risk of slipping out of the hole with time is excluded. Then, in the dowel, the screw is screwed in the usual way, on which the picture is hung.
  • How to hang a picture without nails? If the picture is easy, then two-sided adhesive tape is best. In this case, 4 stripes of adhesive tape are glued at the corners of the frame from the back side of the web.
    how to hang a picture on a wall
  • Relatively recently, special hooks with a sticky back side appeared on the shelves of stores. The advantage of using them is that they do not leave marks on the wall after they have been removed.
  • Hanging a picture without drilling a wall will helpThermal glue - the so-called "liquid nails", which are available for sale manufactured goods stores. How to use them is described in detail in the instructions. Similarly, there are "hot nails".
    how to hang a picture without nails
  • In addition, there are special hooks on saleon four carnations. Let the latter do not frighten you. After them on the wall are almost indistinguishable holes, so these hooks can also be attributed to a sparing method of attaching the paintings. Striking the hammer, strong carnations are driven into the wall, and the hook is ready to withstand a rather weighty picture.
  • Another way of how to hang a picture withoutnails, good for light and small cloths. Take not a plastic but a natural cork from a bottle of champagne or wine, cut it in half along or across, screw the prepared part of the screw, and glue the cork to the wall in any convenient way. If you are in doubt as to whether such a hook will stand your picture, then it is more reliable to fix it on two such structures.
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