/ / How to hang a TV on a wall so that it does not fall

How to hang a TV on the wall so that it does not fall

Today many people are fixing the TV on the walls. The TV on the wall can be secured so that a small child does not reach it, or when you want to save space in the room.

Main advantage

how to hang a TV on the wall
it, installed on the wall, is that it is visible from anywhere in the room.

Before you hang the TV on the wall,Think about how you will serve it. After all, you have to regularly remove dust from it. To this electrical appliance it is also necessary to provide access for connection of various devices. Therefore, the TV should not be mounted too high.

In order to understand how to hang a TV on the wall, it is better to stroll around the market or look into any store. There you probably will see special fasteners, which are called

hang the TV on the wall

Today, brackets are available for fixing old and new TVs.

If you are the owner of a device with a cathode-ray tube, how to hang a TV on the wall, you will be told in the market. The fact is that in stores such brackets are difficult to find today.

Before you go to the market, you needrecord on paper the dimensions of the bottom platform and the weight of the TV. Without these data you will not be able to purchase the corresponding bracket. Dimensions and weights are usually indicated on the TV's technical data sheet. If the dimensions of the area are not specified in the accompanying document, the length and width of the base on which the TV stands can be measured with a ruler or tape. Just in case, write down the screen size diagonally.

In the market, look at the boxes in which the brackets are sold. Usually on such packages there are pictures of TVs on brackets. The box always indicates the size of the site and screen.

TV on the wall
The best brackets for fixing TVs withelectron-beam tubes usually weigh more than a kilogram. The most reliable are made of parts that resemble a channel in shape. If you have a medium or large TV, do not buy a bracket that is made of a bent pipe. Such fasteners are often deformed and broken.

How to hang a TV on a wall, usually in detaildescribed in the instructions to the bracket. Unfortunately, this document places a bet on weak fasteners, such as dowels and screws. Such fasteners often jump out of the concrete or brick wall under the weight of the TV. If you want it not to fall, buy anchor bolts in the market by the diameter of the mounting holes of the bracket. Anchor bolt is designed so that when it is inserted into the hole and clamped, twisting the head, the other part of it expands into the wall and provides a tight fit. A properly installed anchor can not be removed without a wrench.

When you bring the bracket and bolts home,lay out the contents of the box before you and carefully read the instructions. After that, assemble the bracket on the floor to make sure you understand everything correctly. Then parse again.

Attach the mounting bracket base to the wall where the TV is, then use pencil or marker to mark the locations of the holes for the anchor bolts.

When markup is done, you need to be carefuldrill holes in the wall with a drill, insert anchor bolts into the wall, attach the bracket base of the bracket to them and screw the nuts on them. Then follow the instructions for assembling the bracket.

TV on the wall
If you are a happy owner of an LCD orLCD-TV, then the bracket for it should be bought only in a specialized store. To hang the TV on the wall, it is better to ignore the weak fasteners from the kit. Use the anchor bolts, which are many times more reliable than dowels and screws.

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