/ / Sterilization of cans in microwave oven: description, advantages and disadvantages

Sterilization of cans in microwave oven: description, advantages and disadvantages

The sterilization of dishes has been widelyspread during seasonal work, when from the gardens and orchards harvest and make preparations for the winter. Preserve the products in glass jars, but before that you should definitely sterilize the dishes. Not so long ago a new method appeared - the sterilization of cans in a microwave oven, which many modern housewives use. This method simplified the preparation for canning and allowed to save time when preparing blanks.

Sterilization is a process that helps with steamget rid of various microbes, which create an environment that spoils canned foods. The number of microorganisms includes fungi and tremors. High temperature contributes to the death of many microorganisms.

As a rule, seasonal blanks are beginning to be made inlate summer - early autumn. It was a long time ago when there was nothing on the shelves of shops, but the housewives always prepared canned food. Each mistress has her own secrets of manufacture, which she carefully keeps. Therefore, the sterilization of cans for canning is very important in the management of the household.

The first step is to prepare the jars. For this, containers are taken without cracks, chips and scratches. Why is it so important to check the bank? The process of pasteurization at the very beginning can go well, but when the products are already put into the jar, after a while they can deteriorate. This will lead to unplanned costs. Therefore, it is important to use only whole banks and carefully check them before use. After checking, the packaging is thoroughly cleaned.

Sterilization of the cans in the microwave, as it was alreadysaid, is a new stage in the creation of pasteurized products. But, nevertheless, steam or water pasteurization is still relevant in the household. For example, it is impossible to sterilize a three-liter can in the microwave: it simply does not fit in this device.

The convenience of this method is its simpleand original technology. On the walls of the cans, sedimentary calcareous scale does not appear during the sterilization process. This is facilitated by a dry method of heating. And it is this method that is convenient! Use this method, because sterilization in the microwave greatly simplifies the procedure for preparing canned food.

How does the sterilization process go? To begin with, banks should be prepared. And this means that they need to be washed, dried and checked for defects. Next, put the jar in the microwave oven and set the necessary parameters. The advantage of this method is getting rid of vapors and smells in the kitchen. A stuffy room can be left for a short while, turning on the microwave. This procedure takes 15 minutes.

Do not forget: It is not only the sterilization of cans in the microwave, but also the steam method, which also takes place in the microwave. For this, some water is poured into the device. By the time the heating process takes place during the same 15 minutes, only the bank will be wet, not dry.

The use of a microwave oven hasnegative moments. The main thing is, of course, the size of the stove. You can put only small banks. About three-liter you can forget! I'll have to use the classical steam method with an ordinary teapot. The second negative - high energy consumption, which is much higher than the consumption of natural gas. Are you ready to pay extra money for this?

Sterilization of cans in microwave oven - convenientA process that does not distract you from everyday activities. They are easy to use when processing small containers. They put it in the stove, turned it on and went to do their own business!

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