/ / Sterilization of cans in aerogrills: simple and fast

Sterilization of cans in aerogrills: simple and fast

No store products can replacehomework. That is why many housewives prefer to roll up various salads, sauces and stuff for the winter. But if you are just planning to start harvesting, then you need to know that the banks in which they are stored should be sterilized. Previously, only a water bath was used for this purpose. Today, women use an oven, microwave and aerogrill. It's about the last method we'll talk about. So, how does the sterilization of cans in aerogrills?

 sterilization of empty cans in aerogril
Rules for sterilization of empty cans

The operation of this device is based on the actionflows of hot air to the contents of the bowl. In principle, this is an acceptable method for processing containers. And sterilization of empty cans in aerogrills is not the only possible option. It is possible to process already filled containers with containers. But let's start with the empty ones. So, if you need to sterilize small cans, the volume of which does not exceed a liter, then in one approach you will be able to process from three to five containers. That's how much it will fit on the bottom grate of the device. When the cans are delivered to the device, you need to wear a special expansion ring, as stated in the instructions. Then you need to set the temperature. Its index should be in the interval of 120-150 degrees. Large banks will be processed in the device for 15 minutes, small enough and eight.

canister sterilization in aerogril
Processing of filled cans in aerogril

And now let's talk about how to act ifIt is necessary to sterilize the containers already with the products. Before filling, they must be washed well. So, we put the products in cans. Next, we put the latter on the grate of the device. We put as much as it enters. The contents of the cans must be filled with a pre-prepared syrup or brine. It is important that the liquid completely covers the products. We cover the jars from the top, but do not roll them. Sterilization of cans in aerogrills occurs at a temperature of 120 to 150 degrees Celsius. The speed is high. Time choose depending on how many cans you process, what sizes they are. It can be 10-30 minutes. After finishing the treatment, the cans must be removed from the device using special tongs and rolled up with lids.

ways of can sterilization
A few important points

Please note that sterilization of cans in aerogriloccurs faster than the usual way on the plate. Time is reduced by about 30 percent. If, for example, you cook for a short fire for about forty minutes, then in this device - only 25. Sterilization begins when the bubbles appear in the jars.

Some mistresses exhibit highertemperature values ​​when using the device. But sterilization of cans in aerogrills in this case requires compliance with one important condition. Of the caps, it is first necessary to remove the gum. They can be sterilized separately, a little boiling. Also note that the higher the temperature, the shorter the cooking time.

So, ways of sterilizing cans existdifferent. But this method has undeniable advantages. First, there is no need to use additional tanks such as basins or large saucepans. Secondly, it takes much less time, besides cooking and sterilization are carried out simultaneously. Third, the hostess does not need to participate, she only needs to set the parameters and turn on the device. In general, if you have such a miracle of technology at home, like aerogril, be sure to try to sterilize the banks in it. You'll like it!

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