/ / Kalanchoe Blossfeld

Kalanchoe Blossfeld

Among the many species of flowers belonging to the family of the carp, there is a very beautiful plant - Kalanchoe blossfelda.

Kalanchoe - a flower that can be seen inmany apartments and office premises. The genus Tolstyankov is represented by 125 succulent tropical plants, the distribution area of ​​which is found in the tropics of Asia, South Africa and South America. Absolutely all the plants coming on sale in our country under the name "Kalanchoe" are hybrids of this plant variety. These flowers have become especially popular due to the fact that they are not very demanding to care and are easily grown at home.

Kalanchoe blossfelda reaches 30-50 cm in height. The plant belongs to semishrubs with erect and low-stemmed stems. His homeland is considered to be about. Madagascar. Kalanchoe blossfelda does not belong to the so-called "viviparous" species of Kalanchoe. It has jagged, small leathery leaves, oval in shape. In strong sunlight, they often acquire a red color. Inflorescences of Kalanchoe blossfelda consisting of far-reaching small flowers of orange, white, pink, red, lilac and yellow tones have a very beautiful appearance. Each flower reaches 1 cm in diameter. Inflorescences are umbrella-shaped. Unlike the flowering spring wild plants, the cultivated flower can bloom throughout the year. The most abundant flowering of Kalanchoe blossfeld is observed from February to March.

After the flowering, some flower growerscompletely remove the plant, but most of them prefer to simply cut off the peduncles and preserve the plants until the next flowering season. The trimmed plant is rearranged to a shaded place and not watered for a month. After such a procedure, the plant is rearranged to a sunlit window sill and starts courting it, as usual. A few days later the plant will begin to develop again.

From the plant Kalanchoe blossfelda occurred almost all garden and ampel forms. Among this species of plants there are medium-grown and low-growing varieties bred by breeders.

Among the beautifully flowering varietiesespecially to note the short stature - Kalanchoe Kalandiva. Its flowering lasts about six months. The variety of shades of colors of this plant simply amazes imagination. It is somewhat reminiscent of the Kalanchoe blossfeld, but it is much smaller in size and rarely exceeds the 30 cm mark. Some varieties of this plant have very large flowers.

Like all succulents, almost all species andvarieties of Kalanchoe belong to the plants that are undemanding in care. The most important condition for successful growth and flowering of the flower is sufficient illumination. To do this, simply place the flower pot on the sunny windowsill. It is undesirable to leave the plant under scorching rays only in the height of summer, as it can get a sunburn. To prevent this, flowers should be shaded during the day.

In winter, the plant tolerates a decrease in temperature to10 ° C. On the humidity of air, you can not worry, because these flowers easily tolerate drought. As a substrate is best suited sheet and turf ground, sand (1: 2: 0.5). The transplant can be performed after the flowering is completed and the shoots are shortened.

Copious watering is necessary from spring to autumn (inperiod of flowering), the rest of the time, the flower is watered moderately. Like all indoor plants, Kalanchoe needs regular feeding. Reproduction can be carried out by seeds and cuttings. Some species of "viviparous" plants are propagated by "babies" growing from leaf buds.

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