/ / Treatment of periodontitis with folk methods

Treatment of periodontitis with folk methods

Periodontitis is a slow-moving oral diseaseCavity, characterized by an inflammatory process in the gums, caused by the deposition of calculus and the formation of so-called pockets, in which microorganisms accumulate. Periodontitis is accompanied, as a rule, by bleeding gums, exposure of the neck of the tooth, its loosening, bad breath and taste.

treatment of periodontitis

Severe forms of the disease require the treatment of periodontitis in the dentist. And in the early stages you can fight with symptoms and at home.

Treatment of periodontitis with folk remedies

As a rule, the treatment provides foruse of infusions from medicinal herbs. It can be a tri-colored violet, and St. John's wort, and leaves of cranberries, marigold flowers, erect flower, comfrey.

Often treatment of periodontitis at homeimplies the use of not only individual herbs, but also their collections. For example: from the bark of an oak and flowers of a linden, from калгана and leaves of a sorrel, infused on a brine from sauerkraut. It is very useful to treat periodontitis with a mouthwash with sunflower oil, a strong infusion of green tea or a "tea fungus".

Such treatment, in addition, is complemented by a massagegums. It is made with a cotton swab soaked in an oil mixture: fir and sea-buckthorn or fir and fish oil. Another kind of massage can be cleaning teeth with powder, which includes airy ordinary. Make this mixture at home, out of toothpaste and heavily chopped dry herb grass.

treatment of periodontitis at home
They treat periodontitis and with the help of a clove of garlic, which every day, for half a month, rubs the diseased gums. Then they take a break, after 5 days they repeat the course of treatment.

You can massage the gums and just fingers of both hands, moving from top to bottom and back.

But it should be remembered that the treatment of periodontitis must begin with mandatory hygienic procedures!

Recipes for funds from periodontitis

For rinses: oak bark (2 tablespoons) pour a glass of boiling water and insist for half an hour. Then it is filtered, it is ready for use.

For drinking and rinsing the broth is great.pine needles with honey. Needles (2 tablespoons) are poured into a pan, preferably enameled, poured with water and wait until it boils. Then, on low heat, let stand for 5 minutes. After cooling, filter and pour into a glass container. Rinse your teeth with this decoction every time you eat.

And for drinking, the broth is diluted 1: 2, then in half a cup of drink add honey (a tablespoon). Drink it after eating.

Excellent for treating and compresses of leaves of Kalanchoe. For this, their

treatment of periodontitis with folk remedies
ground to a mushy state andsqueezed juice through the gauze. Then they brush their teeth, rinse them with decoction of the oak bark and, moistening the tampon with the Kalanchoe juice, apply it on the gums from the side of the lips. In the mouth it is necessary to take a few more cotton wool disks. All this takes an hour, preferably before bedtime.

Please note that the treatment of periodontitisdepends, first of all, on how you care for the oral cavity, how regularly you perform the necessary procedures. The process of treatment, as a rule, is long, therefore requires patience and scrupulousness.

Be healthy!

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