/ / Reasonable use of boric acid in horticulture

Reasonable application of boric acid in horticulture

If the plant is covered with incomprehensible spots,sheds leaves or just dries, perhaps it lacks some trace elements. The correct use of boric acid in horticulture can significantly increase the amount of ovaries formed and prevent possible loss of harvest.

application of boric acid in horticulture

Most often boric top dressing is used forgrapes. Single processing of buds can increase the future yield by 20% or more. Such an amazing effect is achieved due to the preservation of flowers and smaller osseanie ovary. Foreign experts recommend a dosage of 3.5 g of fertilizer per liter of water. Domestic summer residents say that boric acid in horticulture can not be used in a proportion greater than one gram per liter of water. However, the dosage of 20 g per 10 liters is the most common and effective. Timely processing improves the growth of young shoots and increases their total number. The use of boric acid in horticulture successfully solves the problem of poorly fruit bearing fruit trees. To get a bigger harvest in the coming season, the plants are sprayed immediately after harvesting the last fruit. To maintain the positive effect for a long time, foliar top dressing is repeated yearly. For stable fruiting and increasing the yield of grapes, a mixture of boron preparation and zinc is used at least a third of the volumes. Dosage of mineral fertilizers for processing grapes: 10 g per 10 liters. Increasing the sugar content in berries and fruits is another useful property that boric acid demonstrates.

boric acid in horticulture

The application of any fertilizer in gardening is alwaysis associated with the desire to get a bigger harvest in the shortest possible time. The introduction of boron preparation and superphosphate greatly improves the taste of berries. Treated trees give more sweet and less watery fruits, such berries do not crack and do not rot in rainy years. Fertilizers should be introduced when the size of the fruit reaches its norm, so that the trace elements only affect the composition of the pulp. To obtain a qualitative increase in yield, the use of boric acid in horticulture should be regular. Ideal option will be two sprayings per year: during budding and during direct flowering. A large increase in yield provides feeding from zinc, boron and manganese, especially in dry years.

boric acid application in horticulture

If the application of boric acid in horticulture forthe border is considered an obligatory factor for the normal cultivation of plants, in Russia the use of fertilizers is a personal decision of the summer resident. For the competent use of this microelement for horticulture and viticulture, you must clearly follow the recommended dosage and seasonal schedule for supplementation. There are several varieties of boron fertilizers:

  1. Boric superphosphate - is available in the form of granules, used as the main boron containing fertilizing.
  2. Double granular boron superphosphate - used for presowing treatment of beds.
  3. Bura - very easily assimilated by plants and suitable for foliar and ordinary root dressing of plants.
  4. Boric acid - is sold in the form of crystals or tiny shiny scales. This is the most concentrated form of production of this fertilizer. Used for non-root spraying in the form of a solution.
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