/ / Reproduction by cuttings of a girlish grapes: how and when is it better to conduct?

Reproduction by cuttings of maiden grapes: how and when is it better to conduct?

The girlish maiden is a perennial treeliana, belonging to the family of grape. This is an original ornamental plant that can transform any household plot: serve as a hedgerow, create a shady corner for rest, hide from prying eyes unsightly sections of the wall of the house, making it look like a fairy-tale castle. All the summer the girlish girl pleases the eye with its lush greenery, and in the autumn, down to the frost, - a bright crimson foliage and unusual bright blue berries on the red peduncles. "How to multiply girlish grapes to make and on your garden this wonderful plant?" - you ask. The simplest and most common method is propagation by cuttings. It gives practically 100% survival rate of young seedlings.

propagation by cuttings of a girlish grapes

Reproduction by cuttings of maiden grapes: we master technology

Reproduction and planting of young plants in the groundusually spend in the spring, so that in the current season the seedling could develop into a strong independent plant and managed to survive the winter frosts. And now about everything in order.

Preparation of planting material

Cuttings should be started early in the spring, beforeas the movement of juices in shoots begins. From the most healthy, strong and well developed lignified shoots of the past season cut cuttings in length of 20-30 cm, on each of which there should be 4 full-blown kidneys. Reproduction by cuttings of maiden grapes does not require the use of special fertilizers and means that stimulate rooting, but if you wish, you can soak for a few hours the planting material in the growth stimulant solution, and powder the cuttings with the "Kornevin" preparation just before planting.

how to multiply girlish grapes

Selection of the landing site, preparation of the soil and planting of the cuttings

So, the planting material is prepared, you canbegin to plant our young girlish grapes. Reproduction by cuttings does not require any special preparation of the soil, but if the land in this area is too depleted, it is better to fertilize it for better planting of the seedlings. Planting cuttings should be done in close proximity to the support (house wall, arch or fence), better from the south, south-west or south-east side.

 girlish grapes propagation by cuttings

Prepare vodka with loose fertile soil in advancesoil or wells not less than 50x50 cm. The distance between seedlings should be about 1 m. When you propagate by cuttings of a girlish grapes, do not plant several cuttings in one tub. Almost from each grow a healthy strong plant, they can become closely in such proximity from each other.

Reproduction by stem stems

Such reproduction by cuttings of a girlish grapesakin to the rooting of the layers, but in this case a long and strong 2-3 year old shoot is separated from the mother plant even before rooting. These caulis cuttings are planted in pre-prepared wells to a depth of at least 5 cm, abundantly watered. After a while in internodes young roots and new shoots will appear. If desired, you can leave the young plant in this form, and you can cut into parts according to the number of new shoots and get several young seedlings at once.

That's such an uncomplicated way you can get a girl's grapes and on your private plot. Good luck in your endeavors!

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