/ / Edema during pregnancy: treatment and prevention.

Edema during pregnancy: treatment and prevention.

One of the most unpleasant moments duringpregnancy are swelling. They overcome every woman to a greater or lesser extent. If the normal development of the fetus is allowed for the entire period to gain weight to 12 kilograms, then about 6 kg of them are liquid. Her genetics play a very important role in the degree of puffiness in a woman. If all women in the family suffered severe swelling, then you should expect the same.

The cause of edema may be latent in the constitutionfemale body. So, for example, ladies of low growth are prone to puffiness more, as well as those who are overweight. With the second reason you can cope with a diet, appointed by a dietitian individually.

At normal course of pregnancy puffinessmanifested in the legs and only in the third trimester. If other parts of the body begin to swell, especially before the sixth month, you should make an appointment with your doctor, as this indicates that there are any abnormalities. If a dent appears on pressing the skin, which can not quickly take the previous form, then it is swelling in pregnancy. Treatment should be conducted and preferably not run.

Edema during pregnancy: treatment

First of all, on the supply and quantity of waterdepend on edema during pregnancy. Their treatment begins with the regulation of their own diet. It is necessary to abandon salty food, as it prevents the excretion of water from the body. Pregnant women, especially in later periods, should strictly control the amount of fluid consumed per day. As a rule, up to 2 liters are allowed, and this volume includes not only water, but also soups, juices and the like.

Edema in pregnant women require special treatmentrelationship, so you need to clearly organize the daily routine so that you go to bed no later than 11 pm and have a lot of walking outdoors. It will be useful to lie down several times during the day with your feet raised. To sleep it is desirable on a side. It should be completely abandoned soda water, it is not so good for the body, and especially during pregnancy. The best cure for edema during pregnancy is a balanced diet that is prescribed by a doctor. And once a week you can arrange days, during which to eat only cottage cheese, fruit and water.

If thirst is thirsty, and water can not be consumed insufficient amount, it is worth replacing it with fruit and vegetable juices. Only juices should be freshly squeezed, because the store product is not natural and contains a large amount of sugar. Natural juice also contains water, but this liquid has a special structure, due to which it is absorbed by the body more quickly.

If the whole body is swollen withpregnancy, treatment should begin with finding out the reasons. It is necessary to pass an analysis of urine, the results of which can be said about the existing pathologies and abnormalities. For example, if a protein is found in the urine, then gestosis is diagnosed. In this case, the pregnant woman feels a feeling of heaviness in the legs in the morning, quickly becomes tired and overworked. Most gestosis is manifested as early as week 20. In order to determine how well pregnancy is and how moderately there are swelling, it is necessary to track changes in body weight. The norm is set at about 400 grams per week, that is, the weight gain should not exceed this value.

To determine the degree of swelling, manyuse the McClure-Aldrich test. A 0.25 solution is injected under the skin and followed by a reaction. As practice shows, 45 minutes are sufficient for complete removal of an artificial exhaust. In those cases when it falls down longer than the established limit, ascertain the presence of latent edema.

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