/ / Edema during pregnancy is a phenomenon that should not be ignored

Swelling during pregnancy is a phenomenon that should not be ignored

Edema during pregnancy is a phenomenon that can be not only a manifestation of one or another pathology, but also a variant of the norm.
Virtually all pregnant women arephysiological edema. Their causes are hormonal changes, as a result of which during the prenatal period, fluid accumulates in the female body. Also, various stress conditions, slight disruptions in the diet, heat can lead to edema. Most often, swelling during pregnancy is insignificant, they manifest themselves in the heaviness in their legs, and disappear on their own. But there are cases when puffiness is a signal of some or other pathological processes in the female body during pregnancy. Whatever it was, faced with such a problem, you need to see a doctor.

Edema during pregnancy on the legs are manifestedweight in the legs, and shoes that were previously comfortable, begins to crush, on the hands - they dig into their fingers and press the rings. Hidden puffiness can be suspected if the woman in the position is gaining weight faster and higher than expected.

Swelling during pregnancy most oftenare manifested in the afternoon, after lunch, at this time all the liquid "drains" and accumulates in the legs. When you press your finger on the limb that is swollen, a pits appear under the skin, the skin is pale, springs under the fingers and is strained.

In the case when during pregnancy swell downbelly, arms, sacrum and loin - this is already an alarming symptom. Most likely, a pregnant woman has a late toxicosis, and this phenomenon can lead to the death of the fetus and the mother.

Swelling of the hands during pregnancy. How to prevent?

- the less salt, the better (a maximum of one and a half grams per day);
- Do not drink soda water, it only prevents the fluid from being removed from your body;
- try to drink up to two liters of liquid during the day, so that the body does not delay it;
- make sure that your feet are on the dais more often;
- Avoid heat;
- Avoid queues.

Internal swelling during pregnancy.

Swelling of the internal organs (internal swelling), inunlike external obvious, it is impossible to notice with the naked eye. As a rule, learn about them, finding a sharp increase in weight over a certain period, so it is very important for a pregnant woman to follow the doctor's instructions on weight gain and diet, as well as weekly to control your weight. To timely determine the swelling of the internal organs, it is necessary to regularly do urine analysis, weigh and measure blood pressure.

Internal swelling is a worrying sign. Since swollen placenta can not provide the necessary nutrition for the fetus, it can lead to a slight oxygen starvation (at best). In connection with the fact that the causes due to which there are external and internal edemas, in principle, the same, very often the first are accompanied by the second.

Also, if in addition to those or other edema conditiona pregnant woman is characterized by the release of protein in the urine (shows a general analysis) and arterial pressure, this indicates a more serious complication - gestosis, which requires treatment usually in the hospital.

Edema during pregnancy require mandatorytreatment to a doctor, because only an experienced specialist can correctly determine the state of health of a pregnant woman. There are cases when edema can occur due to the fact that the work of the ureters, which are squashed by the uterus, is disrupted.

And if you do not notice the swelling of your hands in time, then chances are that in the future the internal organs and the entire body will swell. Then even the back pain that occurs during pregnancy will seem a trifle.

Advice: if you are going to take kidney tea or other herbal preparations, if you encounter puffiness during pregnancy, do this only after consulting your doctor in advance!

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