Wavy parrots. How to tame the fidget for a short time?
Buying a pet, we want to see in it a devoteeand a true friend who will always be there. But it must be remembered that all living beings are cautious with the new master, try to stay away. If we are talking about a puppy or a kitten, then there is no problem, because they quickly get used to the human society, but with wild birds it is more difficult, for example, such as wavy parrots. How to tame these fidgets to the hands, is interested in many feathered owners. In fact, it's not so difficult, you just need to show a little patience and care for a little friend.
Then you can shove your hand into the cage, parrot,most likely, frightened, starts to fight against the walls, take off, but soon calms down and will not so violently react to such a kind of invasion of his domain. Daily pet should be spoiled with various delicacies, for example, millet in the ears. When a person speaks softly and at the same time gives something delicious, the more relaxed and complaisant become wavy parrots. How to tame the feathered hands is of interest to many masters, because for a long time the birds remain wild and do not allow people to come to their homes.
Parrot wavy at home oftensad, because in nature he lives in groups of several birds, constantly busy with something. Therefore, it is recommended to buy him a couple or independently pay a lot of attention. The cage should be equipped with a mirror, ladder, toys, swings, so that the bird finds a job. Only when they start to fully trust, will begin to sit calmly on the shoulder wavy parrots. How to tame a pet? First of all you need to be patient.