/ What can I give a hamster from food? Feeding hamsters

What can I give a hamster from food? Feeding hamsters

You got a little charming hamster oronly plan? And what are you going to feed? Do you know that it's not so easy to choose the right diet for a fluffy miracle? There are a lot of products that can not be given to hamsters. Their diet differs from the human, as well as what constitutes the basis of the nutrition of fellow humans in the wild.

Today, let's talk about the basic rules of feedingthese lovely little animals and will discuss the main issues arising from the owners. The list of what can be given to dzhungar hamsters is by no means small. But the list of banned is quite extensive, and any responsible reasonable master must be familiar with it.

What is often asked about

Owners of hamsters often ask the samequestions, for example: What can be given to hamsters, and what is not allowed? Is it allowed to feed fluffy pets with cheese, milk, bread, bananas, pumpkin, persimmons, apples, grapes? What can you give a Syrian hamster? Does it feed the animal, or does it have enough liquid from food? What can I give a hamster-jungarik, etc.?

As for the cheese, let's say right away - there is no unanimity. Somewhere it is said about its negative impact on the health of the animal, other sources do not support this opinion. If you want to rule out the slightest possibility of trouble, it's better not to use cheese.

that you can give a hamster

Can I give cabbage to a hamster? You can not - neither white, nor red, nor Brussels. But nevertheless, Chinese and colored (pre-boiled) harm will not come. Sweet fruits listed above (grapes, bananas, apples) are useful and completely safe for hamsters, besides animals like them very much.

Never offer your pet milk -you can not water a beast with them, or cook porridge on milk. This leads to the strongest digestive disorders. As for the bread, then under a categorical ban black, white does not bring harm. Persimmon is shown in small quantities, but it is worth choosing sweet and completely astringent fruits.

What can be given to hamsters from food

And yet, the best way to feed a hamster is tohome conditions? You should realize that the animal itself does not know what it is and what it can not. Therefore, to choose their own food, guided by the principles of healthy eating, it will hardly be - "hmochit" everything that it will get. So the diet is developed by the owner, on it also responsibility for health and well-being of the ward.

The mandatory components of the hamster menu arefeed (dry and wet), protein top dressing, vitamins with minerals and, of course, water, and to achieve the correct ratio is not so easy because of the mass of all sorts of nuances. For example - what can be given to hamsters of different ages (young and old individuals eat completely differently)? And with diseases?

What should be dry food

Dry food, perhaps, can be called the basishamster ration. It is best if he is present in the feeder all the time. Food that can be given to hamsters, other animals is not suitable, and vice versa. It is strictly forbidden to buy food intended for other animals - for example, rats or guinea pigs, as well as parrots and other birds.

Why? All specialized feeds contain a certain kind of vitamin supplements, the composition of which is carefully selected for the needs of the animal's body. That is, the ingredients of different types of such food can be very, very different. Feeding a hamster food, not intended for this species, you can get very bad consequences.

what can be given to hamsters

The Importance of Fiber

In addition to dry food, your rodent in the mandatoryorder should receive and wet. It consists of fruits, vegetables and greens. The latter should be poured into the feeder on a regular basis. This will feed the necessary variety.

What can I give a hamster from the "grass"? In addition to dill and parsley, he is pleased to enjoy dandelions, plantain, nettles, lettuce and clover. Those valuable substances that contain greens, from other products get difficult.

As for vegetables, all of their diversity is accurateso you need to divide into two lists - those that you can feed, and those that are strictly forbidden. Can Dzhungar hamsters give potatoes? To feed mushrooms? And onion and garlic? In no case! You can and should offer him carrots, beets, eggplants, zucchini, as well as cucumbers with tomatoes and peas. Hamsters are pleased to be fed with wheat or sprouted grains of oats.

Fruits like everything!

Next, it should be clarified that you can give a hamsterfrom fruit. Without any fear, you can feed the pet with plums, currants, gooseberries, blueberries, rose hips and cherries. From time to time, offer the animal something from dried fruits - for example, a little raisins or dried apricots.

what can I give to a Syrian hamster

The hamster will not refuse from dried apples, pears orbanana chips. But do not give prunes to avoid problems. Experiments in the case of feeding should not be allowed, having decided to replenish the diet with a new vegetable or fruit, consult with knowledgeable people.

Abuse of fruit is not good because ofexcess content of sugar in them. Oreshkov should also be given little by little (as a delicacy). You can treat the hamster with peanuts, walnuts, cashews or sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds.

We are a little carnivorous ...

Protein feeding is necessary for animals, and manyof them enjoy eating such food. Others categorically refuse, so sometimes it can be difficult for the owner to determine what exactly to give to the capricious pet. In general, the list of protein source products allowed for rodents starts from boiled chicken (just do not try to salt it or add at least some spices). Still it is possible to give a hamster a hard-boiled egg (both protein and yolk can be fed), low-fat kefir and the same cottage cheese (zero or one-percent fat content), as well as bifilin. Sometimes the hosts feed the pets with prawns (of course, cleaned).

In the pet store in this capacity you can buyflour or earthworms, grasshoppers and butterflies. Do not take top-dressing of dubious origin and wherever you are, since it is not known which additives it contains, and how this will affect the health of the animal. Only in the pet store you will sell a balanced product, adapted specifically for this type of animal.

How often to feed a hamster with squirrels? It is better to do this once a couple of days or twice a week. It will not be bad if you set a certain schedule, and such a diet will be received on specific days. Two days in a row to give him protein is not worth it.

can a hamster give an egg

About useful additives

Let's pass to vitamins and microcells. If you constantly feed the hamster exclusively designed for this expensive dry food of a well-known manufacturer, then do not worry. As part of it already has everything that is useful and necessary for your pet. If you want to know the details - get acquainted with the composition indicated on the package.

When the food is simpler and cheaper (domesticbrands) or even hand-made preparation, a couple of times for each week the feeder should be replenished with minerals and vitamins. Such additives should not be bought in a pharmacy - human vitamins hamster does not fit. Do not be fooled by advertising stores that offer crackers as a vitamin supplement. They are full of chemical impurities, which on a tiny animal body can act without exaggeration, is fatal.

For additives, go all to the same pet store. There you will be sold a safe, healthy and balanced by composition dainty, and additionally will consult.

Perhaps, least of all the hassle will bring you the purchase of specialized food for hamsters. Providing the pet with such food, do not doubt - he will get in the right amount of all vitamins and minerals.

What to Avoid

Why hamsters are contraindicated to feed fromof the human table? The fact is that the products we are accustomed to contain a large number of spices, salt and pepper, vinegar, cinnamon. All of them are extremely undesirable for our petty wards.

what can you give hamsters and what not?

In addition, human food is often too fatfor a hamster. This applies to fat, sausage, fatty meat, sour cream and cream. Or it can be too sweet - it's about sugar, jam, candy or honey. And also salty - a lot of salt in canned vegetables, dried and smoked fish, etc. The fine grinding flour, which forms the basis of buns, cakes and cakes, is also not very useful to your pet.

Avoid giving fruits with bones that arecan cause harm. Do not throw cones or nuts in the shells to hamsters. Biting them, the animal can injure the cheek pouches on sharp edges, and with the bones of the fruit tree - even poison. Similarly, spikelets with grains should not be thrown into the cage, it is better to peel the grains and "serve to the table" separately. The fact is that the sharp edges of the spikelets can injure the animal in the process of chewing.

Because without water ...

Any owner of an animal must know and understand,that water is no less important for the health of a pet than food. Sometimes, seeing the unfinished water in the water bowl, the owner can decide that he does not drink at all. But this is not so - without water, no living thing will last long. Therefore, unfinished remnants of it should be regularly removed and poured fresh (not in a cell standing on the floor of a bowl, but in a special suspended drinking bowl with fastening to the bars of the lattice).

Do not try to water the hamsters distilled orboiled water, there are practically no useful substances in it. If you care about the health of your little fuzzy, replenish the drinking bowl with well water or spring water. You can take and ordinary - one that flows from the tap, but pass through the filter.

that you can give the hamster jungariku

Features of rodents

As you know, any hamster is a representative of the detachmentrodents. What does it mean? One of the leading needs of such animals is to constantly grind your teeth against coarse solid food. It would seem that there is no problem with feeding a hamster, but is it all right for him?

Just eating a coarse food will not providehamster teeth grinding. Therefore, in the cage there should always be a stock of material in the form of thin branches. For their preparation, find cherry, apple, poplar, birch or willow, growing away from the road, cut, wash well and boil small branches. After drying, you can offer a hamster a little.

Collecting a pet grass or twigs, remember the poor environmental conditions of our megacities. It is best to go away on a day off from the city and stock a pet.

Hamster of venerable years ...

What to do if your pet is sick or alreadynot young? What can I give a hamster, a pensioner? Old and diseased individuals behave sluggishly and are struggling to cope with solid food. Their stomach is difficult to digest whole grains. In this case, increase the proportion of soft food in the diet.

Grind fruits, vegetables and nuts will help grater andmeat grinder, and grains can sprout. But even such hamsters require solid food to avoid digestive disorders. Feed a sick hamster with a weak broth of chamomile, changing portions a couple of times a day.

what can be given to dzhungar hamsters

... and a hamster-baby

And if you have newborn animals? What can give a hamster a tiny size and completely helpless? Have to stock up on baby food, meat or vegetable. It does not contain additives, soy, salt and sugar. Any dairy-free cereal (also unsalted and not containing soy) will do. In addition, you can take the most common croup and soak in water or boil rice. The last option suits a hamster of any age in case of a stomach upset.

Baby hamsters can easily get diabetes,so the sweet fruit in their diet is recommended to limit. Like humans, these animals are real sweeties, and they will never give up the delicacy. And here we repeat again: do not rely on the natural instinct of the animal, which does not understand what is useful and what is not. The owner should take the decision of a question of a healthy food of the animal exclusively in own hands.


If to the content of your fluffy baby younot only with care and love, but also with the mind, you will not offer him exclusively hamster "delicacies", for example - very sweet fruit. Feed the animal useful food, and it will long please you with a healthy well-groomed exterior and an active character.

Sometimes on the Internet there are photos, onwhich hamsters with a funny kind of absorb the most exotic food. Looking at this, the owners begin to give their pets something horrible, and then bite their elbows. Do not be fooled by these photos! Most of them are exclusively staged cadres. For the sake of a beautiful picture, the grieving masters feed small fuzzy nails, obviously inappropriate and at times harmful food.

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