/ / Can hamsters cheese? Can dairy products be hamsters?

Can hamsters have cheese? Can dairy products be hamsters?

Many believe that the favorite food of allRodents is cheese. In all the tales and cartoons show how the mouse is eating a huge piece of this dairy product. It is because of this that we are accustomed to the idea that a hamster can be safely stuffed with any food. But can it really be the hamsters? This is what we decided to discuss today.

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Almost all people want to have a loved one's homepet, but in the modern rhythm of life, it is difficult to find time to care for cats or dogs, so many prefer to put in a cage a small unpretentious fluffy hamster. Rodents really do not need special human attention and care, so they have become so popular for home maintenance.

Many believe that for good growth and strongyou need to drink a lot of milk, eat milk products. It's true, but when it comes to hamsters, you can argue. Is it possible to feed hamsters with cheese and other products of milk origin? This issue constantly worries the owners of rodents.

Hamsters are mammals, and this suggests that such products will not harm them. Answering the question whether it is possible to give a hamster cheese and milk, we need to understand the details, and only then draw conclusions.

can hamsters cheese

Benefit or harm?

The owner of a hamster should remember that this is not a cat,and he does not need to drink milk. Of course, I want to please the pet, to indulge. Especially milk is the most useful product! Only not for the rodent.

It contains a lot of fat, which is a hamsteronly will hurt, but will not benefit. Milk and dairy products cause constipation in these animals. A tiny organism can not digest such food. If you give fatty milk or cream every day, then the hamster will not be long to please you with its presence. He will simply perish.

Milk in small quantities

As they say, in moderation all is possible. If you so much want to treat your little friend with milk, it is better to moisten a piece of hard-boiled bread and feed them. The product should be low-fat, not more than one and a half percent. It should not be given daily, but it is better to pamper the hamster with milk on the biggest holidays. In this case, its number should be minimal.

Many owners of hamsters say that before they treat the rodent with this product, milk should be boiled to protect the pet from indigestion.

If you have a pregnant or lactating femalehamster, then you can give her small portions of milk every other day to support the body. You should stop soldering the hamster, as soon as you remove the kids from it.

can I give a hamster cheese

Porridge on milk

Many people are wondering whether it is possible to feedhamster milk porridge. This should not be done in any case. Not only that porridge on a hamster harmful in large quantities of milk, and the croup in it boiled. Rodents are also rodents because they need to eat only raw rump, vegetables and fruits. Their digestion is not suitable for digesting boiled, fried, baked and stewed food. If you want a hamster to live long and throughout his life was healthy, then it is impossible to feed him with porridge on milk or water!

Is it possible to cheese Djungar hamsters

Cheese and hamsters

Can hamsters have cheese? This determines its fat content. Rodents simply need to eat from time to time food, which contains a lot of protein. One such product is cheese.

To determine if cheese can be hamsters,look at its fat content. If its grade is low-fat, then you can break it off for a little animal. A piece should not exceed the size of a sunflower seed, and such a portion will be beneficial, and not harm if a hamster is given once a week.

Ideally, hamster cheese can be bought separately. Many people prefer a product with different seasonings and more salt, and all this is very harmful for hamsters. Spices and salt should not be present at all in the ration of the animal, so cheese should be the most lean. Remember this when you want to feed the pet with sausage.

can I feed hamsters with cheese

Is it possible to make cheese with jungar hamsters?

Small, bright jungariki have become a favorite breed of hamsters for many people. They, like all rodents, are gluttonous and will eat while you feed. About these people say: that I will not eat, then bite.

A large amount of food and overeating to anyone elseBenefit is not brought, so strictly monitor the contents of the trough. As for dairy products, the Djungar hamsters are the same rodents as all the rest. They can not eat much cheese.

When asked if Syrian hamsters can get cheese, we will also give an unambiguous answer: it is a hamster, and you can eat grain, vegetables, but this product in moderate quantities - not more than once a week.

Other dairy products

We wrote about the opportunity to water the rodent with milk and found out whether it is possible for hamsters to have cheese. As for other products made from milk, then let's consider them.

Kefir and curdled milk with the lowest fat contentyou can give a hamster the same way as milk. The norm is literally a drop, equal to about one square centimeter, every three to four days, or better - every two weeks.

Every day a hamster needs to get protein from food,a lot of it is contained in cottage cheese. This product should be no more than 2% fat, and it can get into the rod of the rodent once a week, also in the smallest amount.

From protein foods, you can give a little boiled egg, a piece of chicken breast, cooked without salt and seasonings. Oat and moss sprouts are an ideal protein product for rodents.

Can Syrian Hamsters Cheese

Do not listen to advice

Many people do not know if hamsters can cheese and other dairy products. Basically they think it's the same mouse. Mice eat everything, so the hamster is also allowed any food and in any quantities.

Do not listen to the advice of friends, contactquestion to the veterinarian or the breeder, only they will be able to give a professional answer. They will say that milk damages the digestion of hamsters, and cheese causes strong constipation, and later the death of the pet. These products destroy the liver of rodents, that's why it's worth to limit ourselves to the portions prescribed in our article, and it is better to give up ideas to feed the animal with such food. Protein is also abundant in plant foods, and all the necessary vitamins and microelements are saturated with specialized feed for rodents.

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