/ / teeth in children after a year

teeth in children after a year

Teeth in children after the year continue to grow. It is noted that their appearance and growth are influenced not only by internal and external factors, such as the climatic conditions in which the child was born and lives, the nature of nutrition (rich in vitamins and calcium), the quality of water, but also heredity. For example, it is worthwhile to find out when and how teeth grew in parents, even grandparents.

Up to one year a child must have eight teeth - thisfour upper and four lower incisors. Teeth in children after a year erupt in this order: in the year appear root upper, the first non-milk teeth, and after them from 13 to 19 months root lower teeth. The upper and lower molars in 16-17 months are followed by fangs, in this period appear both upper and lower. In 20 - 33 months, the following extreme molars occur. At the age of up to three years, both upper and lower should appear.

Usually, by the age of three, all twenty of the baby's teeth are cut through the child.

Often not all babies a year have eight milk teeth. But parents should not be upset, but one should know that physiologically boys have teeth often later than girls.

Parents should pay attention to the gumsyour baby. For example, if they look swollen and reddened, this is the first sign of the appearance of a new tooth, and if you notice that the gum is white, the tooth is already on its way.

The appearance of a new "resident" of the mouth can deliverto the kid a certain discomfort. But, it is the eye teeth of children that cause much concern for the child and his parents. Punching teeth in children after a year can cause not only painful sensations, but even cough, temperature and diarrhea. The child at the same time can become excessively capricious, often refuse to eat, wake up at night, even cry in a dream. To help the baby and speed up the process of teething can be done with the help of special rubber toy-teethers. You should do a small massage with a clean finger, you can with gauze or a cold teaspoon. To facilitate and accelerate the eruption of teeth can be purchased at the pharmacy special preparations for gums.

In three years, the child should cut through all 20 milk teeth, which gradually (by 5 - 6 years) will be replaced by permanent molars.

Teeth in children after the year require constant care. Therefore, the question: "When do I start brushing my teeth to a child?" Asked many parents. Starting from the year you can already brush them with a toothbrush. But do not rush, because you must first choose the right brush for your baby. Its bristles should be very soft, and it must be bright and colorful. Recall, the head of the baby's brush should be small in size. First, teach your child to brush his teeth without toothpaste. Today, the market has a lot of children's toothpastes with different flavors. But the main thing to pay attention to the paste was in the form of a gel and did not contain fluoride. Fluoride is very useful for teeth, but an overdose of fluoride has a devastating effect. According to statistics, children under the age of three can swallow 30% of toothpaste.

At 3 years old the child should already brush his teethindependently, but parents must necessarily control this process. Their example in the learning process is very important. After all, oral hygiene procedures should become an everyday pleasant duty for the baby. In order to teach a child to use a toothbrush, patience and time may be needed. Try to teach the basic movements with the help of the game. You can give a tooth brush to a doll or dad. Usually these procedures remind a funny scene. The child cleans his teeth, training the movements on the toy, repeats it on the daddy, and ends the game, cleaning his own.

By the age of 3 it is desirable to teach the baby to cleansemouth cavity at least 2 times. Parents should certainly monitor this, check if they notice that the baby is lazy or sometimes forgets, it is worth recalling. Of course, as in other occupations, parents should set the right example. Try to brush your teeth together.

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