/ / Care of clothes: symbols and their decoding. Washing, drying, ironing, professional cleaning

Care of clothes: symbols and their decoding. Washing, drying, ironing, professional cleaning

What should be the care of clothes? Symbols on things will help every housewife bring dresses in order. It would seem that it could be easier than caring for your clothes, especially in the age of technology. I sent it to the washing machine, put out the necessary washing schedule - and it's ready. But as practice shows, this is not enough. After all, different tissues require special attention and care for themselves.

delicate wash

And some things do not advise washing inmachine, but only hands and at a certain temperature, using a special cleaning agent. Improper care leads to a rapid wear of things. And if you do not pay attention to the rules of caring for them, it can generally lead to the fact that you will spoil your favorite blouse or festive dress.

Symbols on things

If you want things to serve you likecan be longer and looked beautiful and new for a long time, it is worth paying attention to the symbols on the clothes for washing, which are depicted on the label from the inside. Usually they are depicted in all sorts of signs. Decrypting them, you can accurately determine how correctly and at what temperature to wash this item and whether it can be cleaned at home at all or simply need to be given to a dry cleaner.

the meaning of symbols for clothing care

But it also happens that there is an inaccurateInformation on the label on the composition of the tissue and the conditions of care for it. Or, what could be worse, the shortcut is completely absent. All this indicates that the manufacturer is not conscientious. Most likely, it is an underground office that produces its products without adhering to any norms. Such a thing is better not to buy, even if the price is lower than in other stores, but with better things.

What should be the proper care of clothes,symbols will prompt, which will be discussed in this article. It is very important to remember that the passed designations may differ slightly from each other. It depends on which country is the producer. Nevertheless, the very meaning of the symbols for caring for clothes will not differ much from each other.

Delicate mode

The process of washing itself is not laborious in our time, if we correctly understand things. The main thing is to be able to decipher symbols correctly on clothes for washing.

If on the label of your newly bought blouseA sign is shown where one horizontal line is located at the bottom of the sign, then this is a delicate wash. Select this mode on the device, erasing this item. In the case of two horizontal stripes at the bottom of the label, these are particularly delicate washing conditions.

If you decide to wash such clothes yetwashing machine, we must remember that you can load it into the drum with no more than the third part of it. Turns during the "spin" mode must be reduced to the minimum designation. This is necessary so as not to damage sensitive tissues. Or you can just not include this mode. But after the washing machine has washed and rinsed out the laundry, pull it out of the drum and squeeze it manually.

Delicate washing is intended mainly forsilk and wool products. But it's worth remembering that many machine manufacturers interpret the concept differently. That is, some mean, as we are accustomed to, silk, wool and many other delicate fabrics, while others mean "gentle washing" of cotton or acrylic. And many machine manufacturers generally believe that a delicate regime is not necessary.

symbols on clothes for washing

And the alternative in such cases can be the mode"Hand washing" or simply washing different types of fabrics. Therefore, before carrying out any procedures, you need to pay attention not only to the label, but also carefully read the instructions to the machine itself.

Dry Cleaning

Also, quite often on the outer clothing there is a round symbol, inside of which nothing is depicted. He says that in this case, only dry cleaning of clothes is appropriate.

Often many people, so as not to complicate themselveslife, give a dry cleaning of such things. But their expectations are not always justified. As a result, they are no longer returned the thing they gave. People, of course, can claim compensation for the cost of the service, but, unfortunately, the thing will not return them to them.

Home dry cleaning

In such cases, you can resort to dry cleaning inhome conditions. To do this, it will be necessary to purchase additional funds for the care of such clothes. It will be a special chemical substance, a net for clothing and a napkin. It is enough to apply the product on a napkin. Then you need to thoroughly wipe the necessary thing. Then put it in the drum of the washing machine and turn on the drying mode.

Another method

Continuing to talk about caring for clothes,symbols describe, let's talk about another effective way of cleaning things when dry cleaning. The procedure will be carried out exclusively with foam from various means. For this, it is necessary to mix cold water with washing soap in any container. You can take another cleanser, which is well washed. And in any case, you can not use hot water. The mixture must be well stirred until a thick foam forms. After that, apply the foam to the product with a tissue.

whitening is forbidden

Then rub it well, then it costs a couple of timesrinse it (do not apply this method to leather and suede products). Squeeze - just putting on some dry cloth, it's better if it's a terry towel. After the thing, gently begin to twist. The towel will absorb well the moisture. The procedure should be done several times, after which you can put on a dry towel and leave until completely dry. For example, a sweater from a woolen thread is undesirable to hang out on a clothesline, as it can simply be stretched.

Dry cleaning is intended for things made from natural or artificial leather, suede, cashmere, some jersey and many other types of fabrics.

Some labels may havedesignation as "Recommended dry cleaning". This indicates that this item can be washed in both a washing machine and manually. But it is better to use the second method, since this will prolong the life of the thing.


care of clothes symbols

The next important symbol on the label of clothingthere is a "bleaching of the laundry." On this mark it is necessary to pay special attention, since many things can not be whitened. If you do not inspect, you can simply throw out your favorite thing after a failed wash.

An icon that says that the fabric can bebleach, is depicted in the form of a simple triangle. A crossed out triangle with two dashes indicates that bleaching is prohibited. There is also a sign for chlorine free bleaching - a triangle with two strips in the corner.

dry cleaning

Which symbol denotes bleaching with chlorine? The triangle, inside which is depicted in Latin letters "Cl".


Proper care of clothes (the symbols on it to youwill help in selecting the mode and method) - the pledge of longevity of your favorite things. The main thing is to learn how to correctly interpret symbols on the tags of the outfits, to choose the right washing mode in your typewriter correctly.

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