/ / Ovarian cyst during pregnancy: should I treat

Ovarian cyst during pregnancy: should I treat

Cysts of different origin are found inwomen of reproductive age are not rare. A similar diagnosis is made primarily by patients between 12 and 50 years of age. Especially unpleasant if an ovarian cyst is found during pregnancy. Let's try to figure out how this situation is dangerous, and what to do in this case.

Cysts are benign tumorouseducation in the body of the ovaries. The voids are filled with fluid, cysts can increase or decrease in size. With an unfavorable course of the disease, a cyst can break. This is fraught with the onset of peritonitis and always requires surgical intervention.

Allocate follicular cysts, yellow body cysts (functional), parovarial, dermoid cysts. A variety of these neoplasms can be considered an endometrioma, or endometrioid cyst.

During pregnancy, women often encounterwith two varieties of cysts - endometrioid and follicular. Depending on the type, the ovarian cyst during pregnancy requires different treatment tactics.

The endometrioid cyst itself is notan obstacle to conception. However, its appearance is due to endometriosis, that is, the germination of the foci of a specific intrauterine membrane in other parts of the female body. This disease is accompanied by an adhesive process in the ovaries, damaging the follicular apparatus and preventing the exit of the ready-to-fertilize egg into the abdominal cavity. This type of ovarian cysts becomes a source of pain in the lower abdomen, profuse painful menstruation and intermenstrual bleeding.

Endometrioid ovarian cyst duringpregnancy may not be a problem for a woman. Operative intervention, conducted by laparoscopy, is prescribed only when the size of the cyst becomes very large, its growth is rapid, or there is a twisting of the cyst's leg. Surgery to remove cysts is performed under anesthesia and presume a risk for the child. Regardless of the initial size of the cyst, continuous monitoring of the course of the disease is necessary. Often, when the endometrioid cyst of the ovary and pregnancy do not affect each other.

Almost 70% of all ovarian cysts turn out to befollicular. The follicular cyst and pregnancy are phenomena that do not exclude each other. The causes of such cysts are often endocrine disorders and inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs. The anovulatory cycle, when a matured dominant follicle does not release the egg and remains in the ovary, initiates the development of this kind of formation. It can not manifest itself in any way and is often found on preventive examination or during the diagnosis of other diseases of the female sexual sphere. If a follicular ovarian cyst is identified, expectant tactics are used during pregnancy. Until the new formation reaches 8 cm in diameter and does not threaten to burst, it is not touched. In half the cases, the vesicle dissolves itself, especially since the hormonal background of a pregnant woman contributes to this.

Sometimes - no more than 5% of cases - to a womanis diagnosed with a "yellow body cyst". Most often, this type of cyst is found in patients of reproductive age, especially pregnant women. After ovulation, the cavity, from which the egg leaves, does not subside, but is filled with liquid. Often the cyst of the yellow body becomes the cause of malfunctions of the menstrual cycle, and the delay in menstruation can be mistaken for a sign of pregnancy. This confusion is facilitated by nausea and engorgement of the mammary glands, often accompanying this disease. Monthly ultrasound-observation of the cyst will help to choose the treatment, if necessary.

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