/ / The Great Dane is the man's best friend

The Great Dane is the man's best friend

Ancestors of the Danish Dane breed were in Europe inthe times of the Roman Empire. Already at the beginning of the 19th century their breeding began. Today, Danish or, as they are called, the German Great Danes are bred in Germany, taking into account their coloring. Historically, the main centers for the development of dogs of this breed are concentrated in Germany.

Great Dane

In Russia, the Danish Great Dane appeared in the periodrevolutionary time. However, due to the lack of skills in working with this breed, including its breeding, the quality of productive dogs has worsened many times. And only in the 70s the situation changed somewhat. This is explained by the importation into the capital of elite representatives of the Great Dane.

Characteristic features of the Danish mastiff

Dog is one of the largest dogs: strong bones, slender stylish limbs, large head, short hair and beautifully curved neck.

Danes have a balanced calmcharacter, loyalty to the owner, fearlessness and lightning-fast reaction. Danish dog is quite easy to train. However, this breed of patrol service has a short life span.

Danish dog photo
Features of care and development of the Danish mastiff

The Danish Great Dane is notable for its high intelligence. This dog will not perform the commands of his master on a thoughtless basis. First, she will analyze the situation, and only then she will start acting independently. The dog of this breed is difficult to provoke aggression. It's also hard to scare her. Often for the good-natured temper and patience of the Danish year used as a nanny for children, even the youngest. In addition, these dogs find a common language with other animals, including cats.

To get good results with theirtraining, you need to have some experience and certain skills. Another important aspect is nursing. The Danish dog needs rational and balanced nutrition, most of which is protein food: fish, cottage cheese, meat and vegetables. Also the mastiff needs long daily walks with physical minor loads.

Danish Mastiff price

Thus, the Great Dane combinesmagnificent beauty, significant strength and outstanding intellect. In addition, it is the Danish Great Dane that is considered to be a faithful and reliable friend of a person. The price for a representative of this breed depends on some criteria:

  • age;
  • coloring;
  • the location of the nursery;
  • sex and other things.

Specialists recommend buying the dog again as a puppy. It is during this period that the animal can be raised at its discretion and taking into account the life principles of the family.

Guinness Record

Today, many dogs, representatives of theDoga, become record holders of the book "Guinness World Records." So, for example, in the state of Michigan, the Danish Great Dane Zeus with a height of 1.12 meters and weighing 70 kg is the tallest dog in the world. Every day this animal eats 14 kilograms of canine feed.

Having looked at such an animal as a Dane dog (photo is presented), one can come to the conclusion that these dogs gained great popularity due to their external royal appearance.

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