/ What is the best city on earth?

What is the best city on earth?

To decide which is the best city on earth,you need to take into account your criteria for assessing the state of society and material wealth in a given area. For each person, their own indicators of positive life in the region are important. If you approach from the point of view of official statistics, in the world the Canadian Vancouver is in the lead. But some residents categorically do not like a noisy civilization, calling an ideal place of life the coast of the sea at a distance.


The best city on earth for quality of life wasestablished by the British research center Economist Intelligence Unit. This place is known even thanks to the 2010 Olympics. In a civilized society, each person is able to find his own corner for the existence and realization of a dream. Here, the maximum level of standards for the development of infrastructure, high levels of environmental preservation and culture of society is observed.

the best city on earth

Vancouver was chosen among the leading 140 cities in the world. The main selection criteria were:

  • material stability of citizens;
  • level of health and infrastructure;
  • the importance of education in society;
  • cultural facilities and activities.


According to other sources, the best city inland, which has comfortable indicators for living, is Melbourne (Australia). In this area, in addition to the listed positive indicators, there is a low population density. Every day tourists come here to see with their own eyes the high standard of living of local residents, architectural monuments, new modern buildings.

what is the best city on earth

This is the best city on earth has a hugenumber of attractions, one of which is the Great Ocean Road and 12 Apostles. The intelligentsia dominates here, and different nationalities easily get along.


The best city on earth, with a softa climate and a relaxing atmosphere - this is Vienna. His evening summer life attracts guests from all over Austria. Many foreigners come to see historically important objects. Here the main political life of the country proceeds, cultural world events take place, economically important decisions are made.

Cultural monuments are protected by the organizationUNESCO. Thousands of tourists are ready to spend every day on the streets of the Austrian capital, visiting the magnificent buildings of the ancient era. This is indicated by the number of museums - more than eighty. The most famous places in the world are Schönbrunn Palace, St. Stephen's Cathedral.

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