/ How to name a child.

How to name the child.

Whatever you say, the birth of a child is a wholean event in the life of each family. And invariably there is a problem - how to choose a name for the baby. This is a very important issue, the decision of which can affect the future life of a person. The name can influence the character, destiny and health of people. Therefore, before you name a child, you need to think carefully and weigh everything carefully.

Some people choose a name for the future baby,when he is in the womb, some - after his birth, and there are others who know how their child will be called since childhood. In our country, parents have the right to consider how to name a child within a month of his birth. As a rule, this issue becomes the subject of discussion of all family members, as well as friends and acquaintances. Earlier it was customary to call children by the name of that saint, on whose day the baby was born. Then, after the adoption of Christianity, both Latin and Greek names appeared. They no longer aroused disapproval. And in the 20th century after the revolution, neologisms appeared, which were abbreviations from the slogans of communism. At that time many children with strange names appeared.

If you are tormented and do not know how to namechild, then it will be useful for you to find out what the modern parents are guided by when choosing a name for the baby. First of all, it is still customary to refer to children as saints. To do this, you need to compare the baby's birth date with the church calendar. If no names are entered on this day, the nearest dates after it are watched.

Now there is a huge amount of literature,which will tell you how to choose a name for the child. Such books contain information about the origin and meaning of a given name. Such dictionaries can provide invaluable assistance to irresolute parents.

Some people, especially those who have strongFamily ties and rich traditions can call children in honor of one of their relatives. But in this case it is necessary to be extremely cautious, since the child can repeat the destiny of this person.

Parents in search of an answer to the question, how to namechild, also refer to numerology and esotericism. Now a lot of "experts" have divorced, who are ready to conduct for your child an astronomerological analysis of the alleged name and date of its birth. You need to be careful not to fall for the bait to charlatans.

Great importance is played by fashion. Periodically, this or that name becomes very common. Of course, there are parents who basically do not want to be like everyone else, but basically, the result is a large number of Maksimov, Anastas and Vladislavov among the representatives of one generation.

When you decide how to name a child,be sure to check whether the name you have coined with the baby's middle name is combined. This is due to the fact that there are very difficult to pronounce combinations. In addition, sometimes the name and patronymic refer to different nationalities, for example, Ivanovna's Russian patronymic will be comically sound next to the name of Henrietta.

It is also important to think about the combination of the surname andname of the child. If you are from a simple Russian kind, you do not need to call your daughter Caroline. Unsuccessful combination of the name and surname can become the subject of ridicule and complexes, as well as rhyming one with another.

Be sure to note if you havethe name is diminutive and caressing. After all, it is impossible to call a person an official full name all his life, so you will have to suffer and invent something that is not known.

The choice that you have to make is not easy. Read the special literature, think, consult with relatives, but remember, the final decision, how to name the child, should be taken only by the parents. The name will certainly affect his future life, but your warm and kind attitude is also of great importance.

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