/ / New pregnancy after ectopic pregnancy

New pregnancy after ectopic pregnancy

About 3% of women who decided to become mothers,face ectopic pregnancy. In this situation, women are most interested in two questions: why and the probability of a repetition of this in the future. I would like to dwell on them in more detail.

The main reason, because of which theectopic pregnancy, are inflammatory diseases of the fallopian tubes, transferred by a woman earlier, and a violation of their contractions. This can occur after inflammatory processes due to a previous abortion or chronic infections (chlamydia, mycoplasmosis and others). In addition, underdevelopment of the fallopian tubes is an indication for a possible ectopic pregnancy.

Follow-up pregnancy after ectopicpregnancy, most likely, will develop normally, provided the cause is identified by the doctor and the treatment is carried out. Modern medicine allows you to conduct a full range of tests that will help determine the cause. This must be done also because, unfortunately, there is a risk of recurrence of ectopic pregnancy.

Many women, faced with such a problem,begins to wonder how to get pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy. It is necessary to wait a little time before the new conception, to eliminate all unfavorable factors, and pregnancy after an ectopic pregnancy, in most cases, will proceed safely.

Previous ectopic pregnancy in no wayaffects the subsequent development of the fetus with a new pregnancy, it can only be a signal that there were any violations in the body of a woman that should be eliminated before planning a new conception.

It is not necessarily that pregnancy afterEctopic pregnancy may be with problems. Doctors recommend taking a short respite and starting the pregnancy planning after an ectopic not earlier than in twelve months. For this time it is worth to rest, throw all the negative thoughts out of your head, best of all, go somewhere. However, if pregnancy has occurred earlier, do not worry much. The main thing to do is to consult a consultation at the earliest possible time so that the doctor can diagnose that this time everything is normal.

If during the first pregnancy was doneoperative intervention, as a result of which a woman has one of the tubes removed, then pregnancy after an ectopic pregnancy does not come immediately. It may take time and effort. One of the important studies that need to be done is that during which it will be necessary to know the patency of the tube, since in the event that there are still some problems, an easy surgical intervention may be necessary. It's also worth keeping track of the days of ovulation, ways to do this are enough to increase the chance of getting pregnant. Women who have undergone such surgery are more difficult to conceive, but possible. If, however, for a long time (about a year), pregnancy does not occur, then it is necessary to turn again to the gynecologist.

Even in cases when a woman has both tubes removed, she has a chance to become a mother with IVF. True, this procedure is lengthy and quite expensive.

In some cases, a new pregnancy may notTo step forward because of the psychological barrier of a woman. After all, there is a chance to relive this, although it is quite small. Women are beginning to fear becoming pregnant, as the result may be the deprivation of the second tube. In such cases, if one does not manage to cope with fear on his own, it is better to turn to a psychologist who must remove anxiety and calm the woman.

Psychologists believe that much in a person's life depends on himself. Therefore, it should be adjusted that this time everything will be in order, and calmly enjoy a new pregnancy.

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