/ / Oksolinovaya ointment during pregnancy

Oksolinovaya ointment during pregnancy

Each of us knows what a cold, flu orARI. Cough, runny nose, fever, body aches, weakness, headache and other manifestations of infection create inconvenience. That is why timely and effective treatment is so necessary that the disease does not begin to progress, especially during pregnancy. In addition, during the epidemic pregnant women are advised to conduct thorough prevention of flu and cold, as the immunity of the expectant mother is weakened and becomes more vulnerable to various infectious diseases. But it should be remembered that for this purpose it is necessary to use only safe methods under the guidance of the attending doctor.

One of the most popular tools thatwill help avoid infection in the body, it is considered oxolin ointment during pregnancy. The drug acts locally, has an antiviral effect, is not absorbed into the blood and does not accumulate in the human organs after its administration. Oksolin, from which the ointment consists, helps to protect the body naturally from infection, especially in crowded places. Therefore, if you use ointment before going out on the street, then no virus is terrible for you.

What does an oxoline ointment consist of?

The composition of the drug includes Vaseline, Vaselineoil and oxoline. The structure of the ointment resembles Vaseline, but has a light color. Even if you found that the oxolin ointment, which you have stored for a long time, has acquired a slightly pinkish or yellowish color, do not rush to throw it away. Nothing wrong with that. If the expiration date indicated on the package has not expired, then you can safely use it before the specified date.

Indications for use

Oksolinovaja ointment at pregnancy is appointed or nominated atthe following diseases: influenza, herpes, keratitis, warts, warts, lichen, dermatitis and other skin diseases. Most often it is recommended as an auxiliary to other drugs, which the doctor prescribes for certain diseases. In addition, the drug is used to prevent influenza and viral diseases, especially during the epidemic. In the latter case, it is recommended to use it before going out.

How to apply?

The drug is used only externally. In rhinitis, influenza, or other infectious diseases, the nasal mucosa is lubricated. Depending on the disease, the doctor must determine how many times a day it is necessary to apply it. If we talk about the prevention of influenza and viral diseases, in this case, the ointment is used several times a day for 3 weeks. In rhinitis, oxolin ointment is used up to 3 times a day for no more than 4 days.

Contraindications and side effects

Oksolinovaya ointment during pregnancy is contraindicated only with increased sensitivity to the drug.

If to speak about side effects, such concerns only a small burning sensation in the field of ointment application, which after a short time passes.

Can Oxolin Ointment be Pregnant?

To date, this ointment is the mosteffective and harmless among several other drugs according to many doctors. But do not forget about the individual tolerance of each person to any drug. In order that oxolin ointment during pregnancy does not harm either mother or child, it is necessary to visit a doctor before using it. And if he finds that there is no hypersensitivity to the drug, then you can safely use it.

After all, reliable data on thetoday is not present. And that future moms did not have a question "is it possible for pregnant women Oxolin ointment?", It is better to ask his experienced doctor, who certainly knows the right answer, based on the individual characteristics of the patient.

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