/ / Bat as a pet: content and care

Bat as a pet: maintenance and care

Currently, almost every personthe beloved animal lives in the house. Someone has a cat or a dog. And there are people who prefer more extreme kinds of individuals: snakes, crocodiles and ferrets. Recently, a new trend has appeared - to start a house bat in the house. What is this living creature? How to care for her? What to feed her? Answers to the most important questions can be found in the article.

Main characteristics

bat homemade

Who is the home bat? This is a typical representative of the order of bats. You can find it among other individuals by several distinctive features:

  • Large, black eyes, which at first sight may seem pretty nice.
  • Small size.
  • Fast and sharp movements during movement.
  • Soft fur, the shade of which on the tummy, as a rule, is somewhat lighter than in other places.
  • Very long limbs, while the bones are similar in appearance to a hook.

Another feature is the habitat in which a mouse is used to exist. Most comfortable they feel in small dark places. These are usually caves.

About the content

Many people are wondering if it is possiblehome bat content? Zoologists uniquely answer this question - it is not recommended! It is worth noting that this is quite an exotic specimen that is not adapted to the domestic condition. If, after all, a person decided to have a fluffy pet at home, then it is necessary to create appropriate conditions for him. Pet bat can only be kept in a spacious aviary, in which she can fully move and hide from other people's eyes.

than feed a home bat

  1. On the floor it is recommended to lay clean paper and change it in a timely manner.
  2. Near the habitat is always necessaryhang a thermometer. This individual can exist under different conditions. For example, during meals, the mark should reach up to 30 degrees - this temperature is the most optimal for full digestion. Before going to bed, it should be a little cooler.
  3. The ends of the wire at the net should be carefully secured in order to avoid sharp corners, which can cause injury to your pet.
  4. Another important indicator is moist air. It is recommended to install a special device near the mouse house - a humidifier.

Pay special attention to the issue of contentthe flying home mouse: only in the most close to natural conditions it will feel comfortable, you will avoid its whims and various kinds of diseases.

Features of food

than to feed a bat at home

Very important question: than to feed a bat at home? Most importantly, they need liquid in large quantities. On the perimeter of the enclosure, several drinkers should be installed, at least three. It is recommended to change the water in them every day. Bats extract their food themselves: worms, beetles, caterpillars, pupae, etc. Naturally, at home, she will not be able to do this, so you will have to hunt for insects to the master himself. In some pet stores, special ready-mixes are sold. Zoologists strongly recommend not to overfeed this individual. This is due to the fact that overeating will adversely affect the digestive system, indigestion will provoke the appearance of excess weight. Do not treat this issue lightly, remember that at home, the animal can die from any illness. Note that every winter the bat will go into a long hibernation, so you do not need to feed it about three days before this period.


The person who decided to become the master of thisAn animal, no doubt, will surprise his behavior. Almost the whole day the mouse will sleep, choosing for this secluded place, it is unlikely that the breeder will be able to see it. In the evening, however, the animal, on the contrary, will behave excessively actively, will constantly move around the enclosure. Naturally, it is quite unreasonable to install an enclosure in the bedroom.

This is not at all an animal that you can take in your hands, pat and caress - you can only watch it.

The mouse is interesting to sleep - head down, it's the most comfortable conditions for it, so it is worthwhile to provide all conditions for its full rest.

bat pet

In the summer, she will start catching mosquitoes - this is the most interesting entertainment for her.

If desired, you can feed the animal with homemade food: meat, milk or grain, but do not overdo it.

Where can I get it?

homemade bat

Many people see in the picture an animal withincredibly sweet eyes and wondering where to get the same animal. The easiest way is to get out into the forest and catch it. In some localities, mice themselves fly into the house, and its owner carefully takes the guest and leaves to live. Another option is to buy it in a shop for exotic animals.

Adaptation conditions

It is worth bearing in mind that the bat isvery freedom-loving. Living at home is a great stress for her. In order to avoid an unfavorable outcome, it is worthwhile to consider the period of adaptation for this living creature. First of all, it is necessary to install an enclosure, the bigger it is - the better. It is recommended in the first few days to put it in a separate room and limit the pet from permanent observers. Think carefully about what to feed your home bat. It is best to plant live insects to it so that the mouse can hunt for them and not lose their hunting skills.

As mentioned earlier, zoologists categorically do not recommend starting a similar animal in their home. There are several reasons for this:

  • They are not used to living in a closed space, they need complete freedom of movement.
  • Its activity is significantly different from the human, it is natural that during the night it will cause discomfort.
  • They are a lot of dirt, as representatives of this class are accustomed to cope with their needs right during the flight.

Home bat is a very whimsical animal. If the created conditions seem unfavorable to her, she will fall into a deep depression that will lead to the imminent death of the animal.

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