What does the mouse dream about?
Needless to say, many of us have mice, andespecially volatile, cause, to put it mildly, unpleasant sensations. And if we see a mouse in a dream, then, as a rule, we prepare in advance for troubles. Meanwhile, if we look at various dream books, we will see many interpretations of this dream, and not always negative. After all, in many sayings and tales, the mouse symbolizes dexterity and ingenuity. Let's try to figure out what the mouse is dreaming about.
Dreams, as is known, sends us oursubconscious. Many interpreters tend to interpret the mice seen in a dream, depending on the relationship of a person to these beings in real life. So, if you treat mice as being weak and harmless, then such a dream does not bother you. And if the mere mention of these rodents is horrifying, then perhaps, with the help of images in a dream, the subconscious mind tries to warn you about future problems.
For example, some dream books on the question "whythe mouse ", give rather optimistic answers. A dreamed little animal can tell you about your sentimental attitude to someone you know. In addition, such a dream can promise to overcome obstacles in reality, to promise luck and happiness. A favorable symbol is also considered to be a white mouse. For a woman to catch a mouse in a dream means to experience satisfaction from passion or to defeat a rival. If the mouse in your dream is asleep, then in reality you should not worry about children - in the near future their health and calmness is not threatened. Watching a cat chase a mouse means to wake up in real life.
But, in most cases, many of us tend tojudge about what the mouse is dreaming, based on common people's signs. Probably everyone knows the saying that mice are overwhelmed with hunger. It is also widely believed that if the mouse gets in your bosom - be a trouble, and if clothes gnaw out - to death. What do the dream books say about this? Indeed, many dream books interpret dreams in which we see mice as an unfavorable sign. In most cases, mice in a dream talk about hidden enemies, about minor troubles and home problems, in particular, about the insincerity of loved ones.
If you try to catch a mouse in a dream -stupid position, let her escape - there is a struggle, and success will be variable. To kill a mouse in a dream means that in reality you, most likely, will defeat your enemies. If a woman dreamed that she had a mouse on her dress, a scandal could not be avoided. If the mouse in a dream has stolen up to your feet - expect an immediate increase in prices. By the way, hordes of mice can portend both hunger or war. And what does the dream book say, the dead mouse to good or bad? It turns out to see a dead mouse to possible material difficulties. Nevertheless, many interpretations as to what the mouse is dreaming about, are reduced to unresolved problems in life or to past experiences that thus remind themselves of themselves.
Many people are worried about what to see in a dream volatilemouse, because such a dream, of course, can scare. Meanwhile, in most cases, nothing terrible is predicted. The bat, which hunts for insects, dreams fortunately, and sometimes to profit. In addition, this dream promises you respect for others. The dream interpreter advises the one who saw a bat in a dream, to learn to adapt to circumstances in real life. This will help to avoid many problems. If you observe in a dream after flying a mouse, then some old dream will come true, or, contrary to all predictions, the matter you are worried about will end successfully. Also, perhaps you will rejoice at the failures of a long-time enemy.
But to see a wounded bat - to danger,which can lie in wait in the dark. Many dream interpreters believe that a bat symbolizes enemies or an invisible danger. To see her in motion is to bad news, and if she is asleep, then a dream means that your intuition will help to find a way out of the confusing situation. If you killed a bat in a dream, it's to recover from a serious illness and get rid of danger.